Two weeks before your subscription expires - they auto-renew if you didn’t disable that function. I didn’t disable the goddamned function and - of course - they auto-renewed me for the Cadillac plan that’s $160 a year. My perfectly fine cheapie plan was $60.
I’m in the process of trying to get a refund and I’m not enjoying it.
I got a refund through the livechat outside the trial period a couple years ago by repeatedly replying “i understand what you’re saying, but i still require a refund, thank you” each time the person explained why they were unable to issue a refund. After five times or so they said “a refund has been issued” and ended the chat. I was only getting like 15% of my internet speed when torrenting. Switched to mullvad and no problems other than it doesn’t bypass regionlock with netflix.
“i understand what you’re saying, but i still require a refund, thank you”
Thanks. I hope I can get this resolved via email. But if necessary that quip is very useful if I end up stuck in some livechat hell. In fact - repeating the same phrase over and over in any livechat hell is probably a great idea.
I’ll check them out.
My cards are always frozen because of this. Only unfreeze before paying.
I do this with my debet card and it drives some people I know crazy. Its annoying only when there is shit signal.
I have had my debet card skimmed like twice in town. So now it stays frozen and people can deal with it.
depending on your bank, there might be an option to disable magstripe transactions, thats the shit that can be easily cloned. ive seperate cards for online vs physical.
i also run a magnet over the stripe, no chip/contactless (contactless set to ~$40 limit), no payment.
I recommend getting a refund and choosing a different VPN company because Nord gives me sys vibes with how much it advertises itself, especially all those damn YT sponsorships
If you’re paying $60 a year just get Mullvad.
I recommend using Mullvad instead. 5 euros a month, you can pay using crypto or even cash in an envelope.
They have 12 months cards you can buy on Amazon, too. Not as anonymous as cash, but more than using your credit card directly with them.
Lots of people recommending Mullvad which I have heard great things about, but worth noting it doesn’t have port-forwarding. If you’re doing any sizable amount of torrenting you may want to consider ProtonVPN which at least has partial port-forwarding support.
Windscribe also still has port forwarding.
Okay, but are your videos sponsored by it?
I know Private Internet Access does this too. Key is like Amazon, Walmart, etc subs when you’re broke, kill the subscription soon as you sign up.
Mullvad is the only one worth it IMO.
deleted by creator
Sign up for Mullvad honestly. I have a bunch of sitashi laying around from maybe a decade ago and paid for I think 3 years up front.
Mullvad is good but I’ve been using AirVPN lately since that has port forwarding and lets me use Soulseek. Like Mullvad it’s also pay as you go with no auto-renewal
When I tried to renew my three-year plan with Nord, I wasn’t able to since it was only available to new customers, but when I tried to cancel my subscription, I got a “Please don’t leave, here’s a deep discount!” offer. Keep that in mind folks.
Ty for reminding me to re-up mulvad