So even when an incel hits their personal jackpot and gets to bang a Japanese woman they’re still just miserable pricks lol
Guess you can’t blame women or your virginity now Anon lol
Anon doesn’t realize how good he has it.
No no you see he a “genetic dead end” because of his… Kids.
Sounds like a real story, and definitely not the sour grapes rambling of a racist incel…
Yeah, trying to discourage white guys from dating non white girls.
“You might like her now anon, but have you considered that you might have to be racist against your own kid?”
I think the only person this might have helped is jd vance
Yeah that guy’s kids will be messed up.
Isn’t that a clothing store?
Maybe he’s doing it to have all the asian women to himself.
Dick move tbh
You can just feel the love for his wife and daughter.
Q: “So how did you two meet eachother?”
Anon: “I wanted to fuck a jap and do a epic bleaching by making her have a blonde blue eyed kid, but it didn’t work so now i just have an Asian kid which in my mind basically means I have no kid”
You never ask Anon questions. That’s how you get QAnon.
Little I have seen here has made me regret subscribing anywhere close to this much. Some poor woman not only slept with, but married that piece of shit. Let’s hope that last line in green is spot on.
Rest easy knowing that this didn’t happen
Yea, sounds fake and gay
Plot twist: she just did it for the visa
Anon has fundamentally misunderstood how reproduction works.
If you have kids, you are, by definition, not a genetic dead end.
4chan users’ understanding of genetics ends at whatever they learned from 1940s propaganda.
You misunderstand, for them it only counts if the children are white
Anon doesn’t understand genetics
Fake or not, I may hate this anon most of all
Fake and gay. Anon had sex.
The idea that you need to pass on your specific genes is intensely moronic.
it is but also, the idea that your immediate descendants don’t have your genes because they don’t share your phenotype is moronic
Like the ginger gene. Sometimes if two people who aren’t ginger but each have a ginger parent have kids, then you can get a ginger child
Anon just has to accept that despite his deeply ingrained white supremacy, his wifes genes are much stronger than his and ultimately he got cucked by neo nazis.
The best he can hope for is that after he’s dead, his kids look back at him fondly and don’t see him for the piece of shit he really is.
Is anon human? What makes someone human? If you lack feelings are you human?
I’m pretty sure it’s still genetics. We’ll see what happens in the next few centuries (if we survive that long).
Holy fuck I feel bad for his kids
Why exactly?
Because their father is racist as hell towards them.
I have a handful of kids, all with the same dad. 4 different hair colors. Straight, curly, wavy. 2 blue eyed, 2 brown. Different complexions, different face shapes. They did not even look related as kids, though all have some resemblance to me or their dad’s mom. As adults and older teens now, they do look more alike because they are similarly built, but if you didn’t know you wouldn’t think they were siblings.
This drove my ex crazy when he want through his wacko racist phase.
Sounds fake, but okay. Also that’s not how genetics works - no matter what your kid looks like, they’re still 50% of each parent.
An old friend of mine’s sister got knocked up by her then-boyfriend, a 6-foot+ hulk with coal black skin. The baby came out white and curly blonde, although as she got older he features started to reflect her father’s looks more, and her hairline is kinda weird.
taughter daughter 🤣
wait, are all the traits associated with european ethnic groups disproportionately likely to be recessive genes? does that mean anything
The post specifically mentions blue eyes and blond hair, both of which are recessive, if I’m not mistaken.
This makes me think it might have been written by someone who knew what recessive traits are and was just mocking the particular brand of racist that would want to perform “an epic bleaching”…