Oh no, not urging! That’ll stop them this time.
Countries which have had their soldiers attacked or killed should be siezing all Israeli business assets within their borders and giving them to the victims and their familes. No matter how much it is. Seize it once and the killings stop overnight. Israel has been murdering UN peacekeepers since 1964 and no amount of chatting about it will change their behavior.
Should add American assets since they’re the ones funding and encouraging the genocide.
Why stop at ‘difficult’ when you can make your goals ‘impossible’?
Israel and the US are so closely tied to each other that the difficulty level is nearly the same
As an American who is tired of this…works for me. Feel free to boycott anything US made in exchange for peace. We’ll be fine over here. We’ll complain and have a tantrum like children but it’s what we do.
They’ve already given their answer. It’s the same answer to everything else the West has requested of Bibi:
Maybe it’s time to stop pretending this is some kind of joint operation and realize we’re just tagging along for a brutal genocide that not even innocent UN workers/soldiers are safe from.
Next they stomp their feet real hard.
Translated to English: US whitewashes arming genocide with empty words
They’re cruising for a written warning if they keep this up.
And if they still don’t stop, they’ll receive a full dessaggelation.
Three dessaggelations, and they’re going to find themselves with a demerit.
Inside the US you can be beaten and robbed by the police for walking the street and doing nothing wrong, but in Israel if you murder a bunch of people for no reason, you get asked nicely to please consider stopping it, and let me show you how to load this cool new weapon I’m gifting you.
Thanks Joe Biden.
Not American, so I don’t have any skin in the right v. left fuckfest y’all got going on there, but this isn’t Joe’s or even any single party’s fault.
Years of systemic problems put in the position where culturally everything is in the gutter. Fix social problems and a lot of the other ones (like police brutality) will improve massively.
Regardless, fuck this appeasement of Israel. The US should be ashamed of how they’re allowing this to happen.
Sometimes it seems a couple bad faith posters care more about blaming everything on democrats, than the actual problems themselves.
Problem is that without political consequences, the politicians have no interest in addressing the problems.
They fear losing AIPAC money. They dont fear people who say that they will vote them no matter what, because they think they are the lesser of the two evils or something like that.
They dont care who you are or what you want. They dont care if you are doing well or getting fucked royally by their policies. They only care if you vote for them or not.
They would care if a large enough group stopped paying taxes. But good luck getting +10 million Americans to actually take a stand for what they believe in.
At this point its more of a mild suggestion
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