I once saw a network that was named “that’s what she ssid”
- It Hurts When IP
- Lord Of The Pings
- WAN King
- You’re My WiFi Now Dave
It Herz when IP has always been my fav
8 hz WAN IP
As a Star Wars nerd, I’ve always liked Obi-WAN Kenobi and LANdo Calrissian.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
It crashed some devices when they scan for WiFi networks (both Linux’s network-manager and a Canon Printer at least)
I’ve used a similar one before.
(\/) ( ;,; ) (\/)
Well, NetMan is an abhorrent piece of shit anyway. It’s so bad, I’m sure Lennart wrote parts.
When I was in college I lived in a off campus student housing area and they had the the most passive aggressive wifi names.
It wasn’t just one wifi. It was like three SSID’s all arguing to each other. They began responding to each other by changing their names also lol.
That would frustrate me lol having to reconnect everytime it changes
Not actually a word.
It could be an adjective, technically.
Changing my password whenever the router changed its name was an everytime occurrence.
Kind of a silly usage though
Bill Wi the Science Fi
- Panic at the Cisco
I used to troll my roommate: I have a Multi-Band wireless access point, and I would name other networks stuff to mess with them. They are from Louisiana, and are very proud of their culinary roots. One day, they came back from a trip with the relatives, and brought home some boudin, which I cooked and served with rice. I thought it was sausage, but it’s a blend of pork cooked down with onions, peppers, seasonings, AND cooked rice, so serving it with rice was redundant, apparently. They got SO ANGRY, that to this day, I am not allowed to eat it in front of them, so I have been trolling them for “boudin with rice” everywhere I can. When they still lived with me, I changed the “ancillary network names” shit like, “Boudin with rice,” and “Mild crawfish with ketchup,” and “Campbell’s New England Gumbo” and a ton of other culinary “bastardizations” of authentic Louisiana cooking. So every time they were on their laptop, I’d hear a “… Boudin corn dog–OH MY GOD PUNKIE YOU BASTARD!!! AAUGH!!!”
Campbell’s New England Gumbo is hilarious
Tell my WiFi love her
Tell my WiFi have another WiFi
Had a neighbor that was a stripper, these were the three I remember her using.
You Make Me Net
Bits and Tits
Hot WiFi In Your Area
Bits and Tits
When I lived in vegas some neighbor had one called Cum in the Hot Tub
I assumed stripper.
When the conspiracy theories about 5G causing covid started gaining traction, I named my 5Ghz connection “Virus Distribution Centre”
There’s one in my building called
The dangling right bracket at the beginning makes it so much funnier to me. It’s like someone fucked up some sort of SSID markup language and gave away the conspiracy.
There’s one near me with a split SSID called,
I’m pretty sure it’s my elderly neighbors, and I am pretty sure their kids got sick of explaining that five gigahertz and 5G are not the same thing, and neither cause covid.
I had 5G-Covid-Transmission-Tower or something close to that.
We Can Hear You Having Sex
We didn’t rent an apartment in that building after noticing that one. I figure the walls must be thin.
Maybe that was the play, drive everyone out of the building so they can have sex in peace.
Which piece?
Corrected 🫡.
Or they were just messing with people. Assuming some who do have sex would read it and think it’s about the.
I’ve also seen, “We can hear you arguing”
I mean, come on, everyone can hear everything if you live in a building, that’s normal… people have fights, they have sex, they have parties, they have kids… it’s normal stuff, I really don’t get what the big deal is.
That wasn’t my point. But, it’s also annoying when the same neighbours make tons of noise nonstop.
But, I’ve lived in buildings my entired life and maybe I’ve gotten numb to these things… I mean, I hear them all the time, but it really doesn’t bother me, I just ignore it. Hell, I even lived in a separate room shared household for about a year. I could litelarly hear everyone’s converstaions… never bothered me, it was just noise.
Just around the time of the 2016 election my elderly neighbor was a Trumper. He asked for some help with his WiFi and I told him that I would fix if it I could name it. He didn’t really know what that meant but I got it working and to this day his WiFi broadcast is “Hillary2016”. I think he’s still pissed but no longer my neighbor although I do smile when I drive past the old place. If his children still spoke to him I’m sure they could help change it.
Mine is “Pretty Fly For a WiFi”
That’s my wifi name.
Pfizer BioNTech chip ultra 5G has been the name of mobile hotspot for more than a year now, and to say the least, I am very pleased.
I’ve been mostly content myself with a simple CovidAntenna