Final Fantasy XI

Final Fantasy XI is the eleventh numbered installment in the… Okay, you know what it is, I’m just going to tell you about one of the storylines!

During the Wings of the Goddess expansion, adventurers will be sent back in time to experience the events of the Crystal War, a cataclysmic event that is the foundation for conflicts of the modern-day timeline. Should an adventurer choose to serve the Kingdom of San d’Oria, they will be immersed in the story of the Young Griffons—a group of children who would see themselves knights, many of whom grow into prominent characters later in life.

Among the Young Griffons, the player will find Bistillot, a shy boy who doesn’t like to be seen. With his penchant for engineering, shy demeanor, and lack of combat potential, Bistillot prefers to spend his time inside of an orcish war machine that he was able to repair to working condition.

He is often seen before he is heard, with his signature phrase, “HAAAALLOOOOOOOOO” being used to hail the adventurer. Through the course of the story, Bistillot finds his way, even contributing to the war effort with his engineering skills.

However, when another member of the Young Griffons is kidnapped and taken to the present day, the adventurer must return to the present day and reunite with the Young Griffons’ present selves! The adventurer’s first contact in the present day is Bistillot. When the adventurer hears the signature “HAAAALLOOOOOOO,” Bistillot approaches the player, but what the player sees is… a woman?? She introduces herself as Bostilette, a “friend of Bistillot.”

After the rescue mission, Bostilette comes clean. She is, of course, the very same Bistillot who was a little boy twenty years earlier. She explains that she was very sick as a baby, so her parents gave her a boy’s name so that she would be stronger and survive the illness. Once she overcame the illness, she was comfortable to reclaim her name and gender. Well, that closes the book on that story, except… I’ve decided that’s bullshit!

I have unilaterally decided that Bostilette is trans, the sickness she had was dysphoria, she stayed in the orcish war machine because she was an egg, and I hope you all agree!

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  • CrookedSerpent [she/her]
    5 months ago

    Why does the concept of wearing feminine clothes outside freak you out? Is it a concern for what others will think of you, or a genuine desire to not want to dress in that way. Also, when you say “I view myself as a guy who would prefer to be a girl” what do you mean by that? And what is your motivation behind potentially starting HRT?

    • RION [she/her]
      5 months ago

      Really the issue is that I’d feel like I’m just very obviously pretending. It’s like when I came out(ish) to my sister and she did my makeup. When I looked in the mirror I didn’t see a girl, not even a clocky girl, I just saw a guy in makeup. Seeing that felt horrible. I don’t want to be stuck in some in-between of trying to be a girl and failing. If I thought I didn’t have a chance of passing at all I’d probably just resign myself to living as a guy. Thankfully I have some points in my corner (I look a lot like my sister and I consider her quite feminine and pretty) so I think it’s possible with a little hormonal assist. I know passing isn’t what makes a person’s gender but it feels important to me. I constantly scrutinize and analyze myself and my appearance.

      “I view myself as a guy who would prefer to be a girl”

      I mean, I was born as a male (from my perspective, I know “biological sex” is more complicated than that), was raised as a boy, identified as a boy for most of my life. When I started question my gender the thought wasn’t “I’m actually a girl,” it was “I wish I were a girl”. My pronouns on this site are more aspirational.

      The hope with HRT is to make me feel better and by proxy confirm that I’m not making this all up. Because if I feel great, then it’s meant to be, right? And if I feel awful it means it’s not right for me. And if I feel so-so I can stay on it to see what happens. If I do stay on it I would just boymode for a while until I feel confident enough not to.

      • CrookedSerpent [she/her]
        5 months ago

        If you feel like you are pretending and generally bad when you present more femm, do you think will taking HRT change that? And if you dont think you want to present femm at all, what are you expectations for HRT? More specifically, how do you expect HRT to change your body and do you think it will change your self preception?

        • RION [she/her]
          5 months ago

          More specifically, how do you expect HRT to change your body and do you think it will change your self preception?

          I mean I think it would make me more womanly physically right? Fat distribution changes, breast growth, thinner body hair, halting hair loss, etc.

          As that happens I’d feel more comfortable calling myself a girl because it feels more immediately accurate. I think I’d probably like to dress more fem sometimes when I get there

          To put it another way: I don’t really want to dress like a girl unless I have a girl’s body

          It’s like this meme

          Sure, technically all I need to identify as a girl is to earnestly feel that way, but I can’t feel that way until I see myself that way.

    • QueerCommie [she/her, fae/faer]
      5 months ago

      I enjoy dressing fem and don’t have reasonable fears of transphobes or much dysphoria, and wearing certain fem clothes still freaks me out. Despite not really caring what people think, being perceived is scary and I’m generally anxious. It’s an irrational anxiety that goes away with exposure.