Groomers hate sex ed, because it eliminates the ignorance they need to exploit in order to lure in their victims.
If kids don’t know they’re being abused, they can’t tell on their abusers. Gotta ask why the right wing is so vehemently against empowering children.
We don’t have to ask that at all, it’s pretty obvious actually.
I guess I wish more public figures would ask that.
Right there with ya buddy…
In a series of videos shared in private Facebook groups, Pedersen is seen standing among bushes across the street from the Alberta Teachers’ Association head office in Edmonton. The videos are filmed at night time and Pedersen is illuminating her face with a flashlight.
“I’m in a very special place,” Pedersen tells viewers in one video. “I am standing in front of the Alberta Teachers’ Association. Why am I standing here?"
Because you’re a goddamn lunatic?
People who want to feel like they’re special by spreading shit online when they’re more of the back-of-the-bus variety special…
I think you mean short bus. Or the front. The back was where the cool kids sat.
How many is these convoy dudes are the former “cool kids” who have since grown a beer gut and are yearning for the popularity/attention of their high school glory days?
The extreme right hates sex education because it makes children far more difficult to sexually abuse.
Someone needs to bring signs that say GROOMERS AGAINST EDUCATION
Pedocon theory is a theory like the theory of gravity is a theory.
A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can incorporate laws, hypotheses and facts.
Well gravity isn’t a theory at all, it’s a law.
Perhaps you’re getting gravity confused with evolution?
A theory is a well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can incorporate laws, hypotheses and facts. The theory of gravitation, for instance, explains why apples fall from trees and astronauts float in space. Similarly, the theory of evolution explains why so many plants and animals—some very similar and some very different—exist on Earth now and in the past, as revealed by the fossil record.
The Theory of Gravity is the well-substantiated explanation of gravity that incorporates laws, hypotheses, and facts.
I hope this helps.
Please post a link from a reputable source explicitly citing gravity as a theory as opposed to a law.
The link I posted quite clearly states that universal gravitation is a scientific law.
Hope this helps.
“The biggest difference between a law and a theory is that a theory is much more complex and dynamic. A law describes a single action, whereas a theory explains an entire group of related phenomena. And, whereas a law is a postulate that forms the foundation of the scientific method, a theory is the end result of that same process.”
Here’s a simple, easy to understand explanation of the difference between a law and a theory in science.
And here is an explanation of the difference between a theory in common use and in scientific use.
I hope these help.
Look under history. The heading for a section is Newton’s theory of gravitation.
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I’d say it’s neither. Gravity is the observable phenomenon - something makes things fall. Newton’s gravitation law and general relativity tried to explain what gravity is, but the phenomenon exists independently of the laws or theories around it.
I don’t want those fuckers anywhere near my kids. Not only are they fucking nuts, but this is the kind of shit that always winds up with a bunch of pedos “protecting the children”
Those people are what mental illness look like.
Literally every one of these concern trolling groups hides an actual predator or ten. The rest are all apologists or guilty of other forms of emotional abuse and neglect.
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Another astroturf event incoming. Will we see perfectly choreographed videos of 50 people with identical half-full gas cans “spontaneously” showing up in support this time too?
Ok, plan a sex education convey.
They’re literally telling you where they will all be. Time to break out a projector and hold a sex education class.
Come on. Are we new
Get a loudspeaker and blast some educational YouTube at their ignorant asses. Probably will just piss them off, but it might actually enlighten a few of them. Win-win.
“Condoms aren’t 100% effective but are a better choice than unwanted pregnancy or disease.”
Play a bunch of documentaries at them. They’ll either go home or have a come to Jesus moment and realize how awful they’ve been.
Here is an alternative Piped link(s):
Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.
I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.
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I try not to be universally pessimistic about ALL of them. Surely one in ten is just misguided.
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Yeah you said that, already, both times without any way of knowing what I understand or don’t.
Blast some support information for abused spouses.
I’m not saying it’ll be more valuable in a “shut up and do what I say because I said so” crowd, but I’m also not not saying it.
Please do this. These people might even learn a thing or two!
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I have a question for my Canadian sisters, brothers, and others.
How much of this shit is actually organic to Canadian culture, and how much creeps in because the assholes there see what the assholes in the US are exploiting and decide to give it a try there?
Feels like a lot of culture creep. Some of these wing nuts talk about the first amendment as if we have that here. Some of them also seem to think that our Prime Minister has presidential powers. I think the “fuck Trudeau” flags are a rip off of the “fuck Biden” flags too.
Yeah, when the convoy crew ended up in court, they kept talking about their ‘amendment rights’, and the judges had to ask what they were talking about. These people are so dense that black holes are jealous. It’s more proof that they’re being purposely misled and manipulated in order to sow anger, disharmony, and fight against ourselves instead of the real sources of our problems.
They’re just really concerned about the formation of Manitoba from the Northwest Territories.
Nah. The YouTube and Facebook channels are probably more US-centric, which is where they get the “amendment” crap, but there are absolutely groups like this - anti-intellectual, often fairly “religious” - that have been around in Canada for a long time. More they’re just more organized and funded instead of being loose collection of weirdos that most people could happily ignore. Trumpism in the US may have emboldened village idiots around the world, but it didn’t really make them.
Trudeau has been around longer than Biden has been president, as have the bumper stickers. Those were here even before he became PM.
We tend to consume a lot of American media, whether it be music, movies, tv, etc.
With the advent of social media, that got cranked up to 11. So, we have the same impressionable people being targeted by US-style far right propaganda and you can already see its effects.
Someone like Erin O’Toole was exactly what the conservative party needed to bring more people from the center to the Torys, but as soon as he lost one election, they booted him to the curb in favour of Alt-Right Milhouse, who was cozying up to the Convoy protestors and being called “a Superstar for the Far Right” by none other than InfoWars owner and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
I just hope to god our apathy doesnt take over and allow that cretin and his cronies form government and keep carving up our country and environment to the detriment of everyone but the ultra-wealthy.
(Anglo) Canada is culture creep: the nation. We never left Britain, but we sound like Americans when we talk. You know why? Every time something bad happens down there a giant wave of immigrants comes up here. Draft dodgers were only the latest wave.
So yeah, they’re very clearly ripping off the GOP. You can also tell because they didn’t even really change the artwork. The question is what will we do about them? I’m afraid we’re going to go the modern German way and let hate movements fester until they’re too big to effectively deal with.
Canada has just as many hills for billies to hide under.
That’s a great question. I think there’s been a lot of influence from the U.S., but the potential for this inane behaviour was always there.
Unfortunately where I live (northern Ontario), the people you see who are all like, Fuck Trudeau, are the ones with the massive Ford F250’s with lift kits and regular-sized tires in winter, who decided not to further their education after high-school. These are people who don’t listen to reason and believe the ramblings of people who are literally unhinged, because they want to believe someone/thing is responsible for their life choices and problems.
With the convoy that went to Ottawa (a whole other story), my husband would try to reason with these people in FB groups. He got banned a lot. Most of them would quote Joe Rogan and Russel Brand, who are hilariously not Canadian.
Don’t have any sources but it seems pretty likely that Canadian hate groups have similar sponsors to American ones so it’s a little like planting the same seeds in different soil, it’s not really a surprise when you get the same tomatoes.
Garbage fire burns up.
Sorry about Gavin Innes though, sometimes shit falls down
Honestly, that’s distinction without difference.
There are people living here who believe this shit - it doesn’t really matter where they got it.
Australian here. We got the same shit going down here and it’s very much not organic to our culture. We’re having a referendum this year for our first nations people to be recognised in our constitution. I shit you not the campaign against this is being funded directly by the same bad actors behind the culture wars bullshit in the US.
I don’t like where any of this is going. It was very very bad last time.
I was literally just going to make a joke about that.
I’m from the US, we have much better things to copy than our absolutely shit garbage politics… like BBQ ribs. Copy those, don’t copy our garbage propaganda lol
What a trash human being. This bitch clearly has some brain worms.
“Keep em stupid so they won’t recognise when we rape em”
Yay ignorance!
Fucking nutters.
This is part of the “base” that Squinty McProudBoy has assembled. If you love trump and hate women then PP and his base of assholes are your people.
Man, PWEI really nailed it in the 90s with Ich Bien Ein Auslander’s lyrics.
“It can’t happen here”. Oh yeah?
“Take a look around at the cities and the towns.”
See them hunting, creeping, sneaking
Breeding fear and loathing with the lies they’re speaking
The knife, the gun, broken bottle, petrol bomb
There is no future when the past soon come.
As a trans woman, that song has been coming to mind an awful lot these last few years.
Will you speak out?
Will you defend me?
Freedom of expression doesn’t make it alright!
Trampled under foot by the rise of the right
Go do a search for “youth pastor crimes”. Prepare to be very upset. You will find pages of sexual abuse crimes against children.
You will know them by their inbreeding.
Sex ed ain’t for them kissin’ cousin Coutts folk.
(Edit: at least 2 folk are their own aunt/uncle)
Oh man, now we need to get signs that say “Kissin’ Cousins Convoy!”.
My sister-mother is my lover.