Open the post for the album. Or don’t. I’m not your mom.

  • Snot
    5 months ago

    Maybe it’s less about the need to be the smartest person in the room and more about peddling dangerous disinformation?

    This is literally how the Republican party in the USA functions, by purposefully being so brain-dead that we spend all our time explaining why they’re wrong and they just happily keep doing stupid fucking shit and expect us to protect them from themselves all the while. The Republicans regularly villainize “smart” people, the educated, academia, and “the ivory tower.” They hate facts and evidence. So now being smart enough to try to stop stupid people from being stupid is a bad thing, huh?

    It’s not funny or clever, it’s literally the same attitude behind conservatives trying to upset liberals. They would happily eat a pile of shit if they knew a liberal had to smell their breath. It’s fucking insipid and stupid and in no way is funny or cute or what the fuck ever. There’s zero ideology behind it except trying to upset other people, because they’ve got nothing the fuck else in their lives.

    I don’t care if it’s a joke, they’re scum. It’s a “joke” in the same way “it was just a joke bro” comes from Nazis.

    We literally had people eating parasite-killing horse-paste during COVID instead of taking actual fucking vaccines directed at the disease, and that happened because of bullshit exactly the fuck like this.