"Think of this election like a bus ride. You’ve got three busses: one takes you half way home, but you need to walk the rest of the way in the rain. The second takes you 75 miles in the wrong direction. The third never actually leaves the station. Which bus are you taking?
If you wanna argue that walking halfway home in the rain sucks, instead of acknowledging that the other two options are significantly worse then you’re the fucking problem. Shut the fuck up and get on the bus."
Think of the election as a Bus route from source, S, to Target, T. a directed graph G=(V,E), where V is the set of vertices (nodes) and E is the set of edges. Each edge (i,j)∈E has an associated non-negative cost (or length) cij
Let xij be a binary variable that equals 1 if edge (i,j) is included in the shortest path, and 0 otherwise.
I’ll shamelessly repeat myself from another thread because the libs don’t appreciate my genius i want to. Context is "i was fucking tired of all the effin bus analogies in that thread so i made my own
Living thru this election is being strapped in a burning swerving greyhound bus and both drivers are fighting over the intercom about illegal trans-immigrant surgery instead of watching the road the intercom is broken but no one’s listening anyway we’re all screaming at the drivers cuz we’re crushing bodies left and right and anyway our hairs on fucking fire and then we realize (holy shit neither of these assholes will stop the bus) and we start struggling but the belts are too tight or maybe they’re the only thing keeping us from flying out the side and then while we’re fighting and burning we look out the window and we see a guy on the sidewalk and he’s holding a sign
At this point it’s one bus will take you 75 miles in the wrong direction and the other bus will take you 75 miles in the wrong direction but the driver will drive more slowly and spend the entire time telling the passengers to stop complaining, the bus is too headed in the right direction and you’re just too stupid to see it.
If only someone had had the foresight to anticipate Beetlejuice’s run for the presidency . Maybe if we vote hard this time, next time the Republicans will choose someone whom we can discuss without manifesting anything!
erm actually in the scenario where the train doesn’t leave the station, it’s never specified that it starts raining. me personally, I would rather walk the full distance without rain than half the distance with rain
Let’s try something a little better. You’re judging a chili cookoff, but both chilis are committing genocide. One chili will give you the shits for two weeks, the other will be fine but still kill children.
You’ve got three busses: one takes you half way home, but you need to walk the rest of the way in the rain. The second takes you 75 miles in the wrong direction. The third never actually leaves the station. Which bus are you taking?
This isn’t far off the puzzle of my commute, and it turned out the answer to that was bike.
"Think of this election like a bus ride. You’ve got three busses: one takes you half way home, but you need to walk the rest of the way in the rain. The second takes you 75 miles in the wrong direction. The third never actually leaves the station. Which bus are you taking?
If you wanna argue that walking halfway home in the rain sucks, instead of acknowledging that the other two options are significantly worse then you’re the fucking problem. Shut the fuck up and get on the bus."
I wish the democrats were even that useful. The analogy is broken immediately.
Rage for the Machine
“Fuck you I’ll do what they tell me.”
Think of the election as a Bus route from source, S, to Target, T. a directed graph G=(V,E), where V is the set of vertices (nodes) and E is the set of edges. Each edge (i,j)∈E has an associated non-negative cost (or length) cij
Let xij be a binary variable that equals 1 if edge (i,j) is included in the shortest path, and 0 otherwise.
Minimize ∑_(i,j)∈E [cijxij]
Subject to:
∑_j:(s,j)∈E[xsj]−∑_i:(i,s)∈E [xis]=1
∑_i:(i,t)∈E [xit]−∑_j:(t,j)∈E [xtj]=−1
∑_i:(i,k)∈E [xik]−∑_j:(k,j)∈E [xkj]=0∀k∈V∖{s,t}
Thanks, that really cleared it up for me
I’ll shamelessly repeat myself from another thread because
the libs don’t appreciate my geniusi want to. Context is "i was fucking tired of all the effin bus analogies in that thread so i made my own(they didn’t like my version)
They forgot that every bus is running over children as they go
At this point it’s one bus will take you 75 miles in the wrong direction and the other bus will take you 75 miles in the wrong direction but the driver will drive more slowly and spend the entire time telling the passengers to stop complaining, the bus is too headed in the right direction and you’re just too stupid to see it.
Right before an election? Nows not the time to talk like this unless you want another four years from hell.
If only someone had had the foresight to anticipate Beetlejuice’s run for the presidency
. Maybe if we vote hard this time, next time the Republicans will choose someone whom we can discuss without manifesting anything!
Let’s try something a little better. You’re judging a chili cookoff, but both chilis are committing genocide. One chili will give you the shits for two weeks, the other will be fine but still kill children.
If I was on an actual bus with the cheyney family I’d do something
This isn’t far off the puzzle of my commute, and it turned out the answer to that was bike.