Please use salt when reading this comment:IIRC tThis happened inIndiaPakistan during a flood. All the spiders in the area were displaced and they ended up in these trees where they lived together and waited out the flood. Also, the mosquito population in the surrounding area was noticeably low.Thanks!
Usually this is done by worms
Edit: looks like jabathekek was right, it’s spiders
You think I give a shit what made that? Fuuuck nopenopenopenope
Don’t you feel them, they’re under your clothes. Shit, what’s that in your neck?
Just a little hinamizawa virus, that’s all
It’s just cotton candy with extra protein.
Yeah, they are called bag worms around here.
My phone switched to bedtime mode right as I opened this so it was in black and white and holy hell is it a mood that way
Color looks frightening too but black and white looks like something right out of an old monster film
Look pretty cool in my opinion.
Spooky cotton candy yay
Forbidden cotton candy
Hey as long as they stay in the trees and not over my bed!
if anything i’m glad they’re specifically in the trees, and the trees are very obviously occupied. It’s the same reason i very much tolerate orbweavers: they will straight up sit in the exact same spot FOREVER provided they consistently get food.
Love my orbweavers! They stay outside, they’re chill and not dangerous, their webs are pretty, and they make less food available for Widows. Just have to check that the light shining from your door window didn’t bring a feast of night bugs and attract them to spin right where your face will be when you walk out.
Edit to add: if you cone a piece of paper, and scoop the whole web like cotton candy, the spider will cling to it, so then you drop the paper in a convenient bush and leave it there until the spider has had a chance to eat the protein-rich web so it can build a new one.
what would happen if you climb into that?
deleted by creator
Leave my spider friends alone >:3
I don’t like it.
Maybe global warming will make large spiders unviable class to play
Yep! I’m done! I’m good! It’s ok! It’s aaall fine!
Narrator: “It was not fine”