Thought I’d share this here, haven’t seen it posted. Storytime YouTuber (and Netflix showrunner) TheOdd1sOut was pestered by his own animators to watch Bluey. I won’t spoil it for you but it’s a fun video and I think the community here will like it.
Thought I’d share this here, haven’t seen it posted. Storytime YouTuber (and Netflix showrunner) TheOdd1sOut was pestered by his own animators to watch Bluey. I won’t spoil it for you but it’s a fun video and I think the community here will like it.
Thanks for the link. Apparently I managed to miss this video on YouTube even though I am subscribed to TheOdd1Out 🤗
No prob! I need to find a way to watch Bluey now, James convinced me. It’s on the BBC over here but frustratingly not all episodes are available, it’s whatever aired when and the order’s gonna be random.