And the more control you have over the work the more screen time you get. My family has a lot of contractors, and my dad left that to work trades for the government. Before my dad died he spent most of his day on his computer, even though it was his least favorite part, but he was the head of his department. My contractor uncles all spend hours a day on screens, calls, orders, book keeping, meetings, drafting, reading specifications, reading contracts, etc., now that they are the head of businesses that have younger people doing most of the physical work.
My job involves utilizing a screen all day, but I actually only tend to frequently glance up at it and don’t spend a lot of time staring directly at it. I use voice dictation software for my job so I just do quick checks that it’s working and I’m on the right screen essentially. Most of my work is with my hands and it can be pretty neat! There are a lot of kinds of jobs out there!
You guys realize there’s jobs that don’t require constant screen usage right?
Hisssss! Get away with your poison words! Leave me to my tippy tapping at my special clickety clackety keyboard!
Yes, but how will I become a furry in tech otherwise
Become a network admin and you can stare at blinking lights instead, making sure they don’t stop blinking.
What ist a blinking light if not a very low resolution screen?
It’s a balance :)
Yes, but most of them involve constant interaction with people that have forgotten how to interact with people.
Not to be the cliche guy… But trades work was my answer
I abhor interacting with people… Now I have maybe 4 people to talk to in a whole day. I just do my job and go home
Trust me, we got screens there too now.
But we do get good excuses to smash em now and then. Oopsie doodles.
And the more control you have over the work the more screen time you get. My family has a lot of contractors, and my dad left that to work trades for the government. Before my dad died he spent most of his day on his computer, even though it was his least favorite part, but he was the head of his department. My contractor uncles all spend hours a day on screens, calls, orders, book keeping, meetings, drafting, reading specifications, reading contracts, etc., now that they are the head of businesses that have younger people doing most of the physical work.
My job involves utilizing a screen all day, but I actually only tend to frequently glance up at it and don’t spend a lot of time staring directly at it. I use voice dictation software for my job so I just do quick checks that it’s working and I’m on the right screen essentially. Most of my work is with my hands and it can be pretty neat! There are a lot of kinds of jobs out there!