A communist party that probably hasn’t had a single second of airtime on any news station in the US got 1/6th the votes of someone who almost any politically aware person in the US has heard about constantly for the last year.
And literally any normie can vote for RFK. He’s probably on the ballot in more states too?
And the PSL and Greens were kicked off the ballot in states. (RFK might have been too?)
A sizable number of write-ins are likely PSL too. They weren’t officially on the ballot in many states but had write-in status recognized.
My vote still has not been counted so I already know the number will be going up
And RFK, who dropped out, got six times that!!
A communist party that probably hasn’t had a single second of airtime on any news station in the US got 1/6th the votes of someone who almost any politically aware person in the US has heard about constantly for the last year.
And literally any normie can vote for RFK. He’s probably on the ballot in more states too?
And the PSL and Greens were kicked off the ballot in states. (RFK might have been too?)