Drag is trans, and uses person-independent neopronouns. These can be confusing for some people. But drag is patient, and with the vast majority of people is not pushy with drag’s pronouns at all. In return, the vast majority of people tend to take no issue with drag. However, some people decide to invent a problem because they see drag using drag’s pronouns, and it makes them angry.
Drag has a problem with one of these people, a pawb.social user called Draconic_NEO. Drag would normally just send a report, and drag is in the process of doing that, but the level of harassment has elevated to abuse of mod powers, and drag feels the need to inform the pawb.social admins of this user, as well as giving full context to the issue.
A week ago, drag created a thread on the db0 instance regarding a wrongful ban. Here is the context of drag’s comments which lead to the ban:
Drag has used HTML to restore the deleted comments in the thread to save you time checking the modlog. As you can see, someone insults drag for drag’s style of talking, and drag merely explains what is going on. Some people are unfamiliar with first person neopronouns, and drag patiently explains. The first removed comment is actually drag answering a direct question from another user. A moderator of the community decided that a trans person explaining their pronouns is rulebreaking behaviour, and drag posted about it on db0’s “power tripping bastards” community. Drag didn’t choose the name of that community, it’s just the only place to complain about bad mod decisions.
Here is Draconic_NEO’s take on the original ban:
Please understand that drag did not pivot the conversation to dragself, or display any aggression in the thread. Someone insulted drag for using neopronouns, and drag patiently explained. Draconic_NEO is, in this comment, inventing a narrative that a trans person’s pronouns are an attack on others for the sake of attention-seeking. This is a transphobic cliche. The complaint that drag’s use of neopronouns somehow makes drag similar to some troll is… nonsense? Drag doesn’t get it, but it seems to be a core part of Draconic_NEO’s argument that someone else was apparently a neopronoun user in the past, and now everyone else has a license to hate neopronoun users.
And here is Draconic_NEO in the same thread, attacking the entire concept of nounself pronouns. Here are some resources on nounself pronouns, which are an established part of queer culture and what drag’s pronouns would probably fall under:
For someone who uses the nounself pronoun “leaf,” that may look like: “I hope leaf knows how proud we are that leaf is getting to know leafself better!” or “Leaf arrived at the coffee shop before me; I was mortified to have been late to meet leaf.”
As you can see, nounself pronouns are prominent enough in the queer culture to be referenced on CNN and even dictionary.com. Attacks on the idea of nounself pronouns are, in a word, transphobic.
Drag will stop posting excerpts from the thread here, because the reason this post isn’t just a report, is that drag can’t report all of Draconic_NEO’s harassment.
All four of these communities are moderated by Draconic_NEO, with nobody above them but the admins to tell: Drag has never posted or commented on or even seen these communities before. Drag didn’t know they existed. Lemmy UI doesn’t even have a button to do that. You have to manually make an HTTP request yourself in order to do it. This took effort, this took work. And the only possible reason to do it, is to create a record across all of Lemmy of a single user’s grievances that anyone will see when they search that particular user.
And it’s already happened. People look at modlogs, and they trust moderaters. The barrier to entry to becoming moderator of a dozen no-name communities is zero, but the authority of being able to create a permanent record on which to tell whatever lies you like and be believed by many people, is powerful. And drag can’t report these modlog decisions to the admins. Drag can’t reason with somebody who has a basic hostility towards trans people who use nounself pronouns, and who invents stories about imagined violence by trans people.
Transphobia is against the rules on pawb.social. Harassment is against the rules. Spreading misinformation is against the rules. Drag wants all of this to stop, please.
I’m not an admin, nor a moderator, so you can take this with a grain of salt. However, I have seen you around various communities, and you spend a not-insignificant amount of time explaining your neopronouns, and arguing with people about them, and generally being, it seems to me, somewhat intentionally obtuse about the fact that referring to yourself by a neopronoun is confusing for people reading your posts, and comes across as trying to draw attention to yourself. You appear, from my perspective, to be baiting these comments, and then getting offended when they inevitably come.
You’ve been banned from a lot of communities, as a quick scan of your post history reveals, because you seem to post these sort of rants quite frequently.
The fact that you’re using a very NSFW username for non-NSFW purposes is not doing you any favors, either, as Draconic_NEO also pointed out.
I don’t have a horse in this race, but maybe you should consider that if this many people from different instances, communities, etc. are all having the same problem with you, maybe the way you’re presenting yourself and acting in response to pushback is at least a significant part of the problem.
What alternative do you think drag should go with? Never explaining drag’s neopronouns again?
I think you should consider that if you’re getting pre-emptively banned from that many communities, the problem isn’t that people are harassing you, the problem is that you’re acting in such a way that makes people not want to interact with you. From there, I think you should decide for yourself whether you want to adjust your behavior to be more in line with social expectations, but you should also understand that if you choose not to, a significant percentage of people will continue to not want to interact with you as a result. That’s all I’m going to say on the topic.
Don’t engage. Whoever they are is using all kinds of alts. They promote murder and suicide and then turn around and play the victim. They are the best example of an internet troll that I’ve seen in a long time. The problem is that they refer to themselves in the third person on all of their accounts, so it’s extremely easy to tell that it’s them
Edit: They made their own community to complain about @Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world . When I called them out, they immediately banned me from the community. I reported the post and hopefully this schmuck will get a ban soon
Drag is currently having a panic attack, and because drag is being attacked for being trans, all drag can hear when drag reads your comment is that drag should stop being trans. Drag knows that’s not what you want to say, but drag can’t figure out any other interpretation of your comment because everything is going black.
Being radically different from most people is not and can not ever be considered bait. Respect and dignity are the standard, and this rider isn’t going out of drag’s way to invite discussion, drag is simply responding when questioned. Ignoring is rude too. All identities are good-faith identities unless they are actively attacking someone else.
You seem to show up only when dragonfucker@lemmy.nz is being responded to critically. You’re acting in such a way that many consider objectionable, and the fact that they don’t want to interact with you as a result is not harassment. (That’s the collective ‘you’, since the two of you seem to be associated with one another.) You seem to go out of your way to find offense, and I’m frankly done with this. I’ve said all I’m going to say on the topic.
Account created less than 24 hours after dragonfucker… Gimme a break here.
I feel like you’re erasing my individuality. And I love Dragon Rider, so what if defending drag is the only thing that stirs me from my slumber?
Sock puppets gonna sock puppet