Dunno, I’d say they’re working pretty hard on this already:
Windows 10 is about to expire
Windows 11 has extra ads and telemetry.
Windows 11 has invasive AI recall
Windows 11 won’t run on hardware < 8th* gen Intel or without TPM chips
All the new apps are getting AI components that can snitch on what you’re doing. You can’t even post something into notepad without it being aware of what’s in your content and calling home.
yes indeed, was preparing to write something more complicated, then decided to use a less than and didn’t pay any attention that I needed to change the number :)
Dunno, I’d say they’re working pretty hard on this already:
Windows 10 is about to expire
Windows 11 has extra ads and telemetry.
Windows 11 has invasive AI recall
Windows 11 won’t run on hardware < 8th* gen Intel or without TPM chips
All the new apps are getting AI components that can snitch on what you’re doing. You can’t even post something into notepad without it being aware of what’s in your content and calling home.
edit per: @goodtoknow@lemmy.ca
Surveillance Economy.
I thought had to be 8th gen or newer for Intel?
yes indeed, was preparing to write something more complicated, then decided to use a less than and didn’t pay any attention that I needed to change the number :)
will edit