I’ve been reading upon improve security and privacy. I was wondering how many mail addresses you should have. Is it one per social media, one for everything finance, … Next to this, are the mail addresses you use aliases or actual mail addresses and do you create them on outlook, proton or self host the mail server?

  • N0x0n@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    That was an interesting read and saddening at the same time. I feel so sorry for the poor guy and all other email selfhoster.

    Kind of curious here and sorry for my lack of understanding in IP stack, but isn’t IPv6 going to somehow mitigate that issue?

    Isn’t there any other protocol that actually would circumvent that censorship? Like something like I2P? Or is it impossible to forward that kind of traffic over to it?

    The internet is already a cesspool of censorship for “security” reason and it’s getting worse over time. Do you have any clue where or how we can join a community/group that somehow fights back those kind of unfair and monopoly behavior of big tech companies ?

    Thank you !