You still have people that ask you to go out drinking?
I’m 47. I can’t remember the last time someone asked me to do that.
But then I don’t work for ThE MasTEr.
Actually, I don’t. Thanks for making me feel even worse, pal. (Joking)
Great, time to watch some mystery science I guess
I always have time for that!
Id ask you but I’ve seen enough of you in here to think you’re American and that’s some commute.
I also believe you follow the Judaism faith, nothing wrong with that; just an observation I recall making.
It’s all you and the Picard Manoeuvre in this place.
I am ethnically Jewish, but an atheist. Otherwise yes.
I will be emigrating to the UK soon. So maybe I’ll be closer!
My bad, didn’t mean to attribute a religion to you. I misunderstood.
Oh nice. If ever in Manchester I’d have a drink with you.
I imagine it’s a stressful thing emigrating to another country?
No worries on the religion thing. It’s confusing when you’re Jewish.
Emigrating is quite stressful, but necessary after the election. My daughter is queer and we’re not going to risk her safety. I have dual citizenship, so I’m going to take advantage of it. I don’t know if I’ll end up in Manchester, I’ll go wherever I can find work, but I’ll look you up if I ever get there!
I can imagine it is, but you have to do what’s best for your family at the end of the day. Yeah if you do then do do.
I wish you and your family a pleasant move and every success in the future. 😊
I can imagine it is, but you have to do what’s best for your family at the end of the day. Yeah if you do then do do.
I wish you and your family a pleasant move and every success in the future. 😊
Thanks very much!
I am Torgo
It’s always dark.
Drinking helps.
Sometimes.Other times you need to use the drink as fuel to illuminate the path home, burn a castle to see better if need be.