What’s next, a dance studio?
Watch out be like everything else in wow and be used for one expansion and then forgotten about.
Imagine they start selling plots and then have a housing shortage because of speculators. I wouldn’t put it past Microsoft!
WoW has already done something similar in Warlords of Draenor, iirc, when you could make and develop your outpost, but wasn’t it considered to be mostly a failure because players were there and so common locations were more empty?
They surely learnt from that. Now there won’t be an auction house and mail so close together, so players have at least one reason to be in the city. Oh wait, nevermind, they are already selling that for the price of 1,5x AAA game.
You sure tapped into a particular frustration of mine :D
Again copying guild wars 2?
There are unused assets in the original World of Warcraft that suggested a player housing system was being developed but never finished. The idea is as old as MMORPGs are.
The Anime/Manga/video game series dotHack, which is about a fake MMORPG, predates WoW by several years and has player housing for some of the characters.
Ultima online had player housing in 97, it’s not exactly breakthrough tech
There were probably text based online games (MUX/MUSH/MUD/…) that had it even earlier.
I think FFXIV has a housing system for a very long time now.
yea true. wow just recently copied the gw2 flying mounts and gw2 just released its expansion with housing this year. definitely not a new thing in mmo
It’s copying Star Wars Galaxies. Never forget what they took from us.