I hope I make it out alive of the scam economy. This mother sucker gets away with murder and I have dodge scammers left and right bcz there is no justice or rule of law.
I hope I make it out alive of the scam economy. This mother sucker gets away with murder and I have dodge scammers left and right bcz there is no justice or rule of law.
Penn Jilletet pulled me 100 % onto the vaccine train with his ball and shield demonstration with teller on their bull shit show. Until this day, I still haven’t seen any demonstration that was more convincing than that on any subject in the amount of time that they used.
If they do this my watching 2 hours a day with YouTube Premier is over. I will not subject myself to advertising.
With Kash Patel on the case, we can be rest assured hell for absolutely nothing about these idiots.
Buttery males is why we are here. Donald love buttery males!
I can’t believe I gave that sack of shit $100
I hate how they don’t mention connectivity anymore when buying shit. None of the reviews mention this either that the app has tracking and that you have to pay for stuff. If they do mention it, it’s barely a brief mention of it, and nothing more. I got my van in 2023 and it needs an app but luckily Toyota gives me an option to turn all that shit off so now I have a dumb van supposedly. And I fucking hate vehicles with Wi-Fi. Why the fuck does my vehicle need Wi-Fi? My phone has Wi-Fi.
He must have a fucking ton of dishes. We get a few mugs and bowls every year as Christmas gifts. I have to do periodic cleansing of gift dishes. Lately though, I tell my wife, okay, we got this as a gift. Now we have to put it in the cabinet where it belongs and we have to throw away something else. Do you want to keep this or not bcz we do not have any more space. It usually goes to the trash.
I literally did not know about the facts of gamer gate until like two years ago. It was all Twitter bullshit, and that’s why I had no idea what it was. Some of the people involved made a living out of it is seems.
I had a huge Magnolia tree in my backyard. My backyard is not that big. But after I cut it down, the silence was deafening. It was very sad. The tree was too big for my small yard and it was dropping leaves like crazy. Every other day I had to go pick up like three trash cans of leaves.
I saw someone charging their model x at an electricify America charging station today, right close to a Tesla supercharger. Get fucked Elon!
Tesla is done. I wonder who will take the wreckage. Probably GM.
I had multiple women tell me they want to fuck in high school and I was so dumb to not get the message. One was basically jumping on my dick. I masturbated to some of these ladies for years until I eventually lost my virginity when I was 24. I hated myself for many years for not getting the message. 😂
I traded mine in. Was underwater by 10k. Fuck me, but fuck Elon more.
This is why repubs don’t have to cheat to win. Democrats will it into existence.
In their 250k Mercedes maxed rigged van
I were attending Columbia I would leave. Give fascists nothing! Not an inch!
Check the comments for the name of the actress…
Haha I thought selling my model Y at 11k loss was bad. Fuck that guy and the horse he rode in on.