Sharing this not so much because I love the song, though it is enjoyable, but because I absolutely adore the music video.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a music video that depicts men coming to terms with addiction better than this one. The way that the video shows the actors becoming increasingly comfortable and more vulnerable with each other is just fantastic to me. My interpretation is that the people in the video already knew the dance because it is something that is intrinsic to all who suffer from substance abuse, they have just never had a forum where they feel comfortable to open up about it. I especially love the moment where they all start slow dancing together.
I listened to this song for several years in various playlists cause I love Rudimental’s music, but it was only in the past year or so that I saw the video and I’ve been trying to show it to as many people as possible since. As a guy who has suffered from substance addiction and also has always struggled in life to connect to other men I find this video very powerful.