Still out wandering the jungles.
Jungelist massive woop woop
Wicked wicked
Biden: “We need jungle, I’m afraid.”
You know if he couldn’t fuck off into hell with the rest of the ghouls, I’m glad he’s having his many failures, big and small, recorded in humiliating detail. He’s going down in history as one of the most reviled people to lead the US and that’s saying something.
Unfortunately they do like 10 group photos so. I think the one he missed is,683&quality=75&strip=all
he saw “against hunger and poverty” and got the ick.
I guess it’s the “family photo” since it includes a ton of non G20 members. Luis Arce and Gustavo Petro (as you can see in the picture from the post) is there, for example.
saw “against hunger and poverty” and got the ick.
, especially with his legacy being ending the COVID benefits that actually helped those issues
That Biden was the only G20 leader unable to walk up the steep red carpet to greet Brazil’s president seemed to be a metaphor for his standing on the world stage.
I misread "steep’ as “steps” and was like the dude has a history of defeats vs staircase. But this is a fucking small hill. He’s washed. What a failure
Other world leaders are probablly pissed at him he’s such a fuckup they have to deal with Trump again shitting all over everything literally and figuratively for 4 years.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of people.
Also the pissing contest with putin resulting in tens of thousands dead in Europa. and the genocide in Palestine, which has almost certainly killed hundreds of thousands.
Nobody else seems to be all too bothered about wither of those things at least jot enough to do literally anything about it.
hey now I see president Dr. Xi in that picture, be nice
Spinal Tap ass president
It’s funny that there are still people trying to prop him up as a successful president. He made one drug cheaper which helps like 20% of diabetics. And even though “Presidents don’t control gas prices” he got them back down just in time for election season. No complaints about that. But how about a living wage? Democrats used to try to work towards that. Don’t talk about the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Don’t talk about the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
On the one hand, that was kind of a good thing — the US meddling there forever and ever amen was never going to turn out well. On the other hand, Trump is probably the one that actually gets credit for that
Trump literally tried to do it too! One of the few good ideas he had, and then the blob whipped up a story about Russian soldiers being paid to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan and whoopsie(!) no more withdrawal
Lol I forgot all about that and Kamala even mentioned it in her debate with Mike Pence.
Don’t talk about the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Honestly even with all the caveats you can point to I was still more than ready to label Biden as the greatest president of my lifetime (for whatever that is worth) just for that barring any truly insane developments…and then the world said “hold my beer”.
Yeah, instead of being the first domino to the end of the “global war on terror”, it just freed up US arms to get used elsewhere
the lamest of ducks