I find the top three ratios interesting: there’s a tiny skew towards females but a huge skew towards males.
It doesn’t show what the green threshold is though. From memory, the natural birth ratio is 49:51 m:f, so the female skew is only about 3% while the male skew is about 20%. Seven times larger.
If I were colouring the map, I don’t think I’d have bothered with differentiating purple and green, or perhaps used more graduations.
My guess is that there isn’t a country out there that has a cultural preference for women over men, so at best you’re going to see fairly close to equal, plus the difference of men dying earlier from things like wars, dangerous jobs, and lifestyle.
Whereas there are many cultures that strongly select for male children, plus some that also bring in high numbers of male workers.
Yep, that’s the point I was circling around ;-)
I was wondering if there was a correlation between purple and war. There certainly was in early C20 post world-wars.
A lot of countries / cultures do still have bride prices , i.e. reverse dowry, so there is some economic incentive for women there but probably not enough to commit infanticide or selective abortions that causes some of the lopsided male ratios.
India prohibited doctors from telling parents the sex of their unborn child to combat sex selection.
Just a guess, but I think the difference in a country like Qatar can be explained by the import of labor. They hire a workforce from a different country which tend to be dominantly male in those regions. And we’ve seen with the football WC how they’re developing.
https://seasia.co/infographic/qatar-population-by-nationalities-2024 reckons 20% of the entire population of Qatar are Indian. If that’s mostly workforce then yeah. It could easily be the skew.
Isn’t this mostly showing that females have longer lifespans and in countries where they have weird preference for boys, the skew towards male?
Yes, plus migrant labor. I imagine most countries that skew male are only a percent or two off. The major outliers are the Persian gulf nations, because they are tiny and rich. All those extra men are migrant workers from poorer nations, sending money back home.
Also impacting the ratios of where they left from.
A lot of men from Lithuania will work abroad, artificially inflating the ratio of women left behind
Yeah, it’s not “young hot women got no one to fuck”. It’s mostly grannies. The more purple the country, the more grannies it has.
Yup. In Lithuania, women tend to live 10-15 years longer, hence the surplus of women.
Omg is there infanticide going on in qatar and the likes? Or are people not registering female births?
Please let it be the latter, as a bad solution amongst worse solutions.
In many countries where males are valued more highly culturally, infanticide is depressingly common. On a similar note, many countries have outlawed doctors revealing the baby’s sex during pregnancy appointments because too many parents would end the pregnancy if it was going to be a girl.
Immigrant workers who tend to be males
Can you elaborate? As for as I know this is about sex registred ar birth, unrelated to immigration.
Qatar and UAE are small petro states with more immigrants than natives. Most of these immigrant laborers are men in their 20s which skews the gender ratio.
Thank you, that makes much more sense. I EU too, most refugees tend to be male.
Where did u see that? The map just says population ratio
Is it? Where do you see that?
Thank you for the question. On second thought: I misunderstood
I can only speak for Malaysia. So here’s the news from last year census:
In general, for citizen it’s 103:100 male/female ratio, it’s only when added the whole population, including permanent resident and immigrant, the ratio skewed to 111:100, because there’s more immigrant men coming in to work as blue collar than women. There’s no widespread infanticide happening as far as i can tell, so it’s very likely just happen naturally.
What happened in Qatar is very likely similar situation.
There’s no widespread infanticide happening as far as i can tell
Just a little female infanticide going on.
As little as USA, that’s true. Except US prefer to kill pregnant woman, we here have free healthcare and sensible abortion rule.
This is probably on the whole population, so predominantly male immigration is likely the main reason.
The map is not very helpful about what is actually depicted but wikipedia has similar data with a breakdown by age :
Qatar for instance is not very high (this is a ratio of number of male over number of female) on the “at birth” and “0-14” age bracket with 1.02. it’s actually a bit lower than western countries.
The data is still concerning in some countries with notably larger “at birth” ratio and even an increase in th “0-14” age bracket.
Remember when there were a like 114 boys to 100 girls in China? That means they killed around 10-15 girls for every 100 girls born.
I’d heard China was gay as santorum but fuck that’s a wild ratio.
I’m assuming it’s all the indenture workers skewing the results.
75% male?? What’s Qatar doing??
My educated guess would be immigrant workforce
My uneducated guess was slaves
Overall the places with more men seem to also be places where it’s not fun to be a woman. Wonder how much of the ratio is due to poor healthcare options and lack of cultural appreciation/equality for women?
Women leaving Norway and Sweden?
France more female , damn I m bad. 😔
You’d think this would solve the incel problem
Society with more “males” is a miserable place lol
Sucks to sucks Muslims, Indians and Chinese
Sure way to lead to an implosion, inshallah
Male or female what?
The one that counts, not the one about clothes and voice training.
I meant - Insects? Birds? Fish?
Guess again, if you don’t get there by deduction, maybe you’ll arrive by sheer volume and determination.
As measured by statistics*
I’m guessing the pink ones are the countries that are the most at war with other countries.
Or the blue ones are the ones that recently got out of war and are experiencing the Returning Soldier Effect
Life expectancy is longer for women, so I think it’s just countries with nothing weird going on, but they’ll still have significantly more older women than older men.
Wow, that is very concerning overall. Of course the closer the ratio can be to 50/50 the better, but the science also shows the 80/20 rule (80% of women will choose from only the top 20% of men, given the option). It doesn’t bode well for genetic diversity, I suppose. But I’m not a scientician.
That doesn’t make much sense though. Most men have children at some point, not just ~40% of them. Atleast in Europe.
Though ofc aborting female babies or importing masses of young men isn’t exactly a smart demographics policy.
I’m being down voted?! Can someone please stop licking a window long enough to tell me why? Serves me right for trying to have any sort of logical discourse on Lemmy I suppose.
You’re getting downvotes because you’re citing incel talking points.
What? Wtf is incel? Not inclusive?