After a period of extended unemployment and you know, ‘hitting the gym’ due to not having much else to do, I’ve decided to pursue this hobby of violence that seems to attract far too many chuds. I’m hoping it’ll give me a thin veneer of confidence and security, and an ability to fend off fucking assholes with my bare fists arthur-punch

In all seriousness, how do I become a better fighter, I truly suck at this. Any of you fight for fun? Practice a martial art, boxing, wrestling? What’s your opinion on the sport?

  • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
    4 months ago

    i have a passing interest but i haven’t really gotten into it yet because of depression and life stuff. it’s definitely something I would encourage as a leftist if you have the capacity. if you’re lucky and there’s a left wing fighting gym in your area that’s the best bet, at the “regular” ones you’re fairly likely to run into right wing nutjobs/bigots unfortunately. wrt which one to choose, BJJ seems very practical and unlikely to give you a head injury just from sparring etc. if you do something like boxing you will sustain head injuries from sparring which is a concern. there is no avoiding it in a striking sport. obviously being able to throw a punch is still very appealing but i would personally stick to the heavy bag in that department to save what’s left of my brain cells.