After a period of extended unemployment and you know, ‘hitting the gym’ due to not having much else to do, I’ve decided to pursue this hobby of violence that seems to attract far too many chuds. I’m hoping it’ll give me a thin veneer of confidence and security, and an ability to fend off fucking assholes with my bare fists arthur-punch

In all seriousness, how do I become a better fighter, I truly suck at this. Any of you fight for fun? Practice a martial art, boxing, wrestling? What’s your opinion on the sport?

  • lil_tank [any, he/him]
    4 months ago

    The spirit is a lot better than in team-based sports when you don’t actively enjoy toxic masculine shit. You can have a little power fantasy as a treat because you’re doing the punching and stuff but you’re not in a misogynistic boys club that peer pressure you to drink 3 liters of beer after training.

    At least in my experience, feel free to share if you had a different experience