stuff like “Well you call them the scum of the earth, why wouldnt they hate you”

Why are parts of the left like this? Seemingly caring more about courting the psychopath incel who wants a white ethnostate rather than stand in solidarity and antiracism with POC?

i always get disgusted and disillusioned when i come upon it

  • kfc [they/them]
    4 months ago

    Annoying her dogshit takes live rent free in my head and have for some time. I think I could live with her being so annoyingly wrong if she wasn’t also so condescending

    • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
      4 months ago

      She reminds me of the type of other kid you meet in school who, for whatever reason, decides that you’re a dumbass and they need to be your straight talking older sibling. Also I know it’s not very substantive to go in on how someone sounds, but the way she also talks like a stereotypical “mean girl” during all this just rubs me the wrong way. Like why are you complaining about people being rude to the rudest fucks on earth when you yourself talk like everyone who isn’t them or you is stupid?

      It seems like some kind of…I guess I’d call it “Reactionary Realism”, that noxious “well that’s just the way it is, toughen up buttercup” way of passively enabling shitty behavior and shitty systems. As if “that’s just the way it is” isn’t the most useless conclusion possible in almost any situation, one that would have kept humankind from harnessing fire if it had been left at that back then.

      “Do these settler-colonial social norms deserve my contempt? No; it’s the misfits who are weak and contemptible.”