Aren’t you all surprised by them blocking public rights of way and trying to intimidate anyone who says they should live by the same rules as the rest of us?

  • Echo
    4 months ago

    They’re complaining because the tax relief that was offered to them was given to them because it was understood that farming was an important industry and we wanted to keep it in the family as much as possible.

    Back in the 1980s that was probably sound thinking. That would still be the case if it weren’t for rich millionaires who are always looking for the next way to not pay their dues.

    The farmers are complaining about totally the wrong thing, they should be complaining that the rich bastards spoiled it for the rest of them. Except it probably won’t even affect them anyway. They get 1 million pounds before they have to pay, Which in effect will probably be 1.5 million pounds because of the way that the rules stack.