This test will demonstrate to the state, the federal government, and the general public that I can safely drive a bus.
It composes of four sections. Air brakes, pre trip inspection, skills (parallel parking, alley dock backing) and road test.
The stakes are extremely high, because of how sensitive personal finances and life in general has become due to this risky career change. I’ve gotten this far in my endeavors to become the best bus driver and public servant I can be and I’m absolutely terrified I will fuck this up.
Save my spirit- I’m trying not to cry in so fucking stressed.
who the hell parallel parks a bus?
Picking up pedestrians in a tight fit is a pretty common thing for some drivers, esp in cities.
definitely not me
Transit agencies actually discourage you to reverse a bus anytime let alone parallel park one
This stipulation comes from the state and they want to see if I “could” do it in an emergency