Agreed, but wait until your 40’s… going out at all just feels weird now and it makes me sad.
Speak for yourself.
You’re probably right, I am just in that awkward phase and have 2 small children. I hope to bounce back once I’m 50 and they are more independent. My situation is obviously different from others.
I’m in my mid forties with no children and being asleep again is pretty much my daily goal. I can’t imagine how you cope with small kids.
Some of us are autistic in our 20s, were autistic in our teens, will be autistic in our 30s … I think you get the general idea.
Which is why you desperately need to go out more than ever.
Tell me you’re lying
So there’s hope,!
Feel like I’ve been like this all my life tbh.
That’s unfortunate. I basically had unlimited energy until my mid-thirties.
Such is life with ADHD.
Doesn’t the H stand for Hyper?
Kinda, its hyperactivity, but ADHD isn’t just bouncing off the walls with the inability to focus. It can manifest in other ways. Theres a variety of symptoms that come with it.
I’m not exactly the classic example but a lot of the symptoms like hyper focus, making split second decisions, executive dysfunction, fidgeting, etc. I have along with co-morbid anxiety and depression from it being untreated for so long. Medication helps but your brain being in overdrive constantly is exhausting.
Ah, thanks for the explanation. I have all of those behaviors except for executive dysfunction, anxiety, and depression. I keep 4 different toys on my desk to fidget with during meetings. I get bored and need something to entertain me while people take way too long to explain things. The Rubik’s cube works best, but I get bored with that too, so I have a few others.
I feel that. Messing with stuff can actually help me focus sometimes but usually im just bored lol.
My coworkers thought I wasn’t listening to them at first and were surprised when I was able to repeat everything they said word for word, despite the fact that I was solving a Rubik’s Cube. They seemed pretty amazed when I was the one talking about complex subjects while still solving the Cube. I’ve always been able to split my attention like that. When I was younger I used to be able to hold a verbal conversation while typing a letter and not mess up either of them. Unfortunately 20 years of barely, hops, and bong resin affected that skill.
This must me a younger person.
But I’m still young at heart, as long as I’m still in bed by 11:30pm on weekends.
I’d love to have my 30s back.
I don’t want to rock and roll at all
Or party ever again.I just want to sleep.
Thank god this isn’t me!
Now I’m just wondering how Europeans and Latin Americans regularly stay up late and start dinner at like 11pm while others seem to have issues talking to a friend after 7pm. lol
Thank god this isn’t me!
lol. Just turned 34 recently and was able to stay up all night while on vacation.
Def not something I do regularly but the biggest secret I’ve found is to have at least a drink or two a week (that sometimes puts me to sleep now lol). Then when I need to drink late/all weekend I actually can! I normally just smoke we’d
I do tend to stay up kinda late normally, tho
They take naps! It’s part of their culture. Heck, Spanish businesses will shut down in the middle of the day so people can go home and sleep.
I’m 40 and volunteering at a venue where I host concerts for 14-16 hours once a month.
Age isn’t the issue, getting kids is what kicks you out of the scene.Agree, it’s not like being in your 30s suddenly kills you.
I go out about two times a week and I’m almost 40. I don’t get why you people are so tired.
30? Man I was still burning the midnight oil.
Didn’t feel any kind of slowdown till many years later.
Yeah dude, at 30 I’d be out drinking until 2 am, and be at work in a shirt and tie, freshly shaved, and ready to go at 7:30 am.
I think it’s just a numbers game. As you get older certain things just break down. Injuries, chronic illness etc. not everyone gets it, in fact you’re statistically unlikely to get any one thing, it just compounds to send more and more people to the sideline.
I used to rock and roll all night and party ev-a-ry day. Then it was every other day. Now I’m lucky if I can find half an hour a week in which to get funky.
Every two weeks? That seems a bit hectic. Can we do something like maybe once every two months?
I could go for roughly twice a year.
30s was easy AF and still energetic. It gets a lot harder after you have kids.
Thats awesome to hear. I always thought it was the age that fucks you. Makes sense.
That means you’re old.