Everyone lives in fear of Luigi getting to be his own person. They will never tell him why, only whisper of it when his back is turned.
For when Luigi is free, that which Nintendo keeps locked away will also be freed. No longer bound to the rare reference, or cast off to forgotten sports time.
Once Luigi’s shackles have been broken, IT’S WALUIGI TIME!
A lot of the Mario & Luigi RPG humor is basically “let’s laugh at Luigi for having emotions!” (I still like the games, and they do make me laugh sometimes)
I feel like those games do that because they want you to root for him as the underdog. There are a couple of times where the games go out of their way to point out that the way he is treated is unfair. At least that’s how I always saw it as a kid, it made me like him more. Precious woobie green man.
The ending of Partners in Time where all the toads go out of their way to thank Luigi is pretty wholesome.
Sorry I’m a huge nerd for the Mario & Luigi games lol.
The Mario and Luigi games are great and mire rpg games should aim for Saturday morning cartoon instead of anime. Luigi is such a lovable guy in those games!
Tbf Mario and Luigi is like an anime-Saturday morning cartoon synthesis where you can have cool power up scenes and dramatic emotional fights but also slapstick humor and silly cartoon hammers being used to slap cartoon animals into the sun
unless all -luigis are free no -luigis are free
I feel like if i understood this it would lose its beauty
This dialogue was change in the remake btw. based nintendo
Jerry: “Hi, I guess. I’m Jerry. I’m a Bob-omb from Plumpbelly Village. Nice to meet you. Sorry I sound so down, but you would be too if you saw Luigi dressed as a bride. I’m serious. It scarred me. It was honestly scarier than that giant snake-thing. I feel I now have a moral duty to stop Luigi from ever dressing as a bride again. I have to protect the world from my fate. That’s why I’m sticking close to this guy.” (GCN)
Jerry: “Hi, I guess. I’m Jerry. I’m a Bob-omb from Plumpbelly Village. Nice meeting you. Sorry I sound so down, but you would be too if you’d seen Luigi’s big bridal stunt show. He’s SO clumsy in heels! He was like a wobbly force of nature! Falling down everywhere, knocking things over, tumbling into people… Now I have an obligation to tag along and clear the area if Luigi so much as glances at a stiletto. Somebody has to be the herald of the coming wobble-pocalyse. That’s why I’m sticking close to this guy.” (Switch)
Oh my god I never realized it as a kid but the reason Jerry looks like that is because he’s a “cherry” bomb