I think this guy will kill a lot of people, over decades, because what he tears down is not so easily built up again.
He is about to hollow out institutional knowledge, literally wreck physical systems, and disrupt distribution networks and supply chains.
It may even be that many replacements over the next decades might not be government run, but private enterprises trying to maximize profits
He’s already killed tons of people over the years. See his antivax work in Africa.
As is the goal… it’s horrible
Well yes, poking everything in the eye is kinda the trademark of these yahoos.
Idk what you’re talking about
Do you guys not realize how the next president works? Think his views on science have been solid until now? There’s no level of shame or embarrassment you can load up onto him or his followers that will have any effect, and his followers don’t read your write-ups anyway.
So, please get over the incredulity routine, and start thinking how to fucking destroy him. You need to up your game here, things are well past rhetoric.
More like a stab in the heart of science
That seems too quick. It’s more like giving science dysentery by shitting in its mouth.
If you inverted science and used a funnel, you could take advantage of the dysentery to have science shit in its own mouth.
I remember tubgirl from my youth.
I would thank you not to do that to me again.
One of my younger friends was asking what it was like growing up in the shock days of the internet. I tried telling him about tubgirl, 2girls1cup, lemonparty, etc. He didn’t believe me that people would willingly scar each other with such horrifying content and argued that it couldn’t have been as bad as I was describing. A quick Google search later, I realized how hard it is to accidentally come across that kind of content, even while trying I was struggling to find the original content. In that moment, I was very proud of modern internet-users.
Indeed, the internet is both better and worse than it was.
You should tell your younger friend about the Pain Olympics. Or … Perhaps not.
Ugh, that and the body mod ezine that my old college suite-mate made me watch. Fuck, I’m so glad I don’t hang out with that guy anymore, but boy do I regret knowing why I regret meeting him.
Edit: just realized I’m talking about the same thing. Carry on.
I am fortunate in that I was homeschooled and thus socially isolated, so I had few “friends” to subject me to most of that stuff. I saw some of the bigger ones, like tubgirl, but didn’t discover a lot of others until I was a bit older and worked at a web host.
For the ones I did see, I probably saw a reference somewhere and my curiosity caused me to look them up on AltaVista or Yahoo! My phone’s keyboard did not like one of those words.
Being offended will do nothing without direct action.
As fascists are wont to do.
This is such a stupid headline.
“RFK Jrs critics say he’s a silly goose”It’s unfortunately also exactly something that would appeal to the US right. ‘Hell yeah let’s show those elite scientists a thing or two, what do they know?’
what do they know?
Hopefully science…
A little part of me hopes that all these people quit and leave everything as is. You want deregulation… let’s go back to the good old times. Let people experience what the robber barons are like.
Same with the military… if you purge it of ethical and upstanding people that swore an oath to the constitution… you must be VERY sure the people that control the military will not decide you need to go. One of the hallmarks of dictatorships is splitting the military and having them compete to keep each other in check.
In terms of medical… there is a correlation between access to healthcare and size of families… more access means smaller families. I wonder if these ghouls are trying to Speedrun the US in the other direction … less access to get more offspring… “Else the foreigners are gonna out breed us white folk” type deal.
This guy used to squeeze the eyes out of dead roadside and eat them.
A poke in the eye doesn’t even faze him.Im surprised he hasn’t sicced his falcon on everyone yet.