I really enjoyed this series. Hope it continues its been a long road.
a third season is set for release in 2025, and a fourth season has been ordered.
Thank the Koala. I was concerned after Paramount’s fuckery and sale that it would get axed after season 3.
The fact that there are 5 seasons of Disco and not 7 of SNW already is a shame, it’s a far better show.
It’s worth mentioning that disc makes more sense if you assume everyone is inhaling the magic space spores.
I wish we had gotten a mention of cell degradation from repeated transport suspension before this was resolved, like we saw in Counterpoint on Voyager, but I’m willing to accept that M’benga missed it, since they didn’t seem to expect it even in Voyager’s time
Given that he seemed to develop the technique to keep mortally wounded soldiers alive, a bit of cell degradation was really the least of his worries when he got them out of the buffer…
Same with his daughter. “Is she still alive? Is she still dying of an incurable condition? Right, back in the buffer!”
Wouldn’t discussing tng relics episode be more relevant since this happened before voyager?
What was that one? I mentioned Voyager because Counterpoint is my favorite episode, so I remember it well
Same thing I think. Enterprise encountered the USS Jenolan caught in a Dyson sphere. Scotty had trapped himself in the transporter to save himself and was in there for 75 years. They pulled him out and he sadly realized he wasn’t fit to help in current day and went about his retirement.
Oh, gotcha. I do remember that episode. I think Counterpoint, in this case, is more relevant, because it deals with repeated suspension, just like M’benga’s use of the transporter on his daughter.
I thought Scotty did this in TNG before O’Brien
Well no, because when Scotty did it it was cool, because everything Scotty did was cool!
M’Benga was at least on the Enterprise before Scotty. Scotty could have done it earlier I suppose.
Scotty did it after m,benga but before O’brien as he was on his way till retirement when the Dyson sphere Caught him
Please excuse this mess of a reply every other word was a fight against my auto correct
Honestly, this (and a few smaller canon-shredding gripes) almost made me rage quit SNW in the first episode or two.
Everyone raves about SNW but just the sheer amount of wacky quips made give it up.
I get that. But then, strangely, by season 2 I started to anticipate and look forward to them.
Next spinoff: Star Trek: Buffy, the Salt Vampire Slayer
“Of course my high school would have to be built on top of a wormhole to Hell.”
Bonus points if they get adopted a highly advanced and powerful being when they get out
When did O’Brien do this? Wasn’t the first instance in “Relics”?