They what? I need to threaten more
roombasmillipedes apparently.Me getting high as fuck after I smoke a bowl of ground up millipedes in order to treat my raging haemorrhoids
The one time you can be thankful for someone blowing smoke up your ass!
deleted by creator
Sounds like you’re smoking those millipedes through the wrong orifice my dude
Now… How hallucinogenic and can it be separated from the toxin?
…and apparently basement-centipedes are eating silverfish and other ookies.
Centipede-bro, I say. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. High-five. Etc
millipedes are fine, they’re earthworms wearing power armor
centipedes are the horrifying ones, they are a dozen spiders fused together and with their morals removedPlease don’t start licking millipedes, y’all…
Yea not unless you attack them first.
Is this why your finger stink after touching them?
Wait, what was that about Roombas sweating hallucinogens?
Can I lick them like those psychedelic toads?
You shouldn’t be licking toads, little dummy! /lh
And they’re cute as hell!
Maybe I should get a roomba.
Now waitaminit—you’re saying that my Roomba has hallucinogens inside it? I tripped over it the other day, but this is a much different kind of bad trip hazard than I was led to think.