AI could never create this
This is fine art
Not quite. If it had Nic Cage somewhere in there, though, then we’re cookin’ with gas!
Are we just gonna ignore that the fuzzy dice are hanging from the windshield wiper?
We were trying to!
Jesus FUCK this image goes too hard I’m finna bust 3 times
I grant you the convicted shitpost gold star sticker ⭐
whats the song on the radio?
Might be “Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites” by Skrillex, resolution is very low.
You would be correct! That’s a great touch.
Man, now I want a GBA emulator for my phone so I can play those Pokémon games again.
GBA.emu on Android
Retroarch with mGBA core on iOS
Lemuroid is superior
the one shown is delta emulator for ios. it’s pretty legit.
Toproms collection torrent, find it. They didn’t compress each library, so you can pick individual games.
Always good to keep in your torrent list. It’s got 300GB of classics to pick through.
How’d you get this picture of me??
Avg american driver consumer gen abc
This is the new Ford F-350 steering wheel style vehicle featuring steering wheel commercial ads!
Gen 3 was peak
- gen 5
What in gods Name are you smoking, and where do I get that?
Hell yeah