and in bad country, citizens disrupting the treat parade to protest the ongoing state funded genocide are brutally beaten by fast food cops.
Expected, given how wealthy you have to be to live in midtown
Partially true, but I’m pretty sure 50% of people watching the parade in person are tourists from out of town and 49% are New Yorkers who don’t live in midtown. If you’re rich enough to live in midtown, you ain’t standing outside in the cold with the plebs.
“I don’t care about genocide, give me my treats”
“If they at best buy tomorrow I’m gonna be so mad”
oh wow people who lined up in blustery cold to watch big advertising balloons are simpletons big surprise there
That shit makes me want to go full misanthrope at times.
It’s hard not to after reading shit like that. Resist the nihilism. Embrace hope punk ☀️🌲🏞️
Maybe full third worldist tho
“I really want to take the moment to tell those grinches that believe they are going to disrupt the parade that it is not going to happen,”
Eric Adams referring to pro palestine protesters as “Grinches”
in america you can’t get away with crimes unless you hit a certain lack of melanin, hit a certain income level, or are elected to office. sorry, that’s just how it works.
McDonalds flying a float behind it is
Right? It’s like if you asked an AI to make the most American picture ever.
no word from liberals on whether this is “aUtHoRiTaRiAn”
It’ll be if it happens next year
Only if done by a non dem mayor/governor
rules-based law and order
They slowed the annual ad. That is unforgivable.
Literally cannot make this shit up
They were arrested for not valuing the McNugget over human life. Every American knows about the sanctity of the $15 20 Piece mcnugget deal at McDonalds (participating stores).
Holy shit! That’s way too overpriced for 15 American I can cook several first rate stakes.
Where? Just searched online, anywhere near me (Berkeley, California) the only steak I can find under 15 is tri tip. Any actual “first rate steak” is closer to $50-$80 for 3-5 of them (and it’s not actually first rate, but say on the nicer side that a grocery store butcher would have). Then add the cost of gas to cook it, water and gas to clean up, some condiments or spices, and I don’t see how I could get under ~$20 per steak at home.
I think the problem is california. It’s a very high col area. Reviewing prices of other foodstuffs, were I live should not be that different from a us average, some things like duck for example seem to be more expensive here.
T bone is 8 dollars a kg, at my local butchers. a kg is about 3 or 4 . Granted, most of the time the quality is shit, so i don’t buy anything, or I buy lamb wich has a more consistent quality and is 12 per kg. But when they do have decent quality beef it does not cost extra. I use mostly hardwood, wich costs about 30 to fill my whole pick up truck. That can easily last for over 30 grill uses.
So for me 15 is a good diner for 4-5 people.
Now I used to ship beef from the American border. Because like I said beef quality here is inconsistent. After shipping it a thousand km it still was under 20 usd a kilo so that’s 19 American for a t bone. Ultimately it was not worth it.
Did someone try giving the cops a Pepsi?
Nice one
Look up at the sky, at the bright shapes of the Ronald Mcdonald air balloon floating there. Ask yourself: is there something sinister in liberalism? And then answer: no. God is in his heaven. Everything is normal in Amerikkka.
the treats must float
We really do live in a society