China has near global monopolies on these exports, accounting for 98% of global gallium production, 93% of germanium production, and 49% of antimony production.
China has near global monopolies on these exports, accounting for 98% of global gallium production, 93% of germanium production, and 49% of antimony production.
There’s a tiny village in Sweden with 4 elements named after it.
there is a place in f*nland called bear’s asshole. it is in no way the only place w/ a name like this. why yes i have in fact experienced schlong lake.
js the country is a shit hole BUT having just one scientific thing named after a bizarre location there would do a lil bit to redeem it maybe
this is also the only redeeming feature of terf island, it has an unlimited quantity of extremely rude place names.
but then again, there is a place in spain that basically translates as “the fuck”, as in the act of fucking
there was a fairly popular hang out spot near where i grew up called “horny rock.” not sure if it’s like as in heat that animals experience or uhhh due to it being a long standing gathering point for hormonal teenagers
In Poland there is a city called “Police” but it’s not related to police, it means “fields” in archaic Polish. There are also (in translation): Butts, Hell, Upper Hell, Lower Hell, Not Hell, Cold Vodka, Tomcats, Rotten Mud, Dry Dogmeat, Sea, Givemehere, Frogeaters, Old Godhelp, Pisswolf, Curses, Krauts, Brothels, Small Village at Road, Scrotum, Old Forest Heroes, Box, Treason, Bad Meat, Horsehammers, Death, Anthrax Colony, Noname, Females, Street, Small Jumps, Big Jumps, and so on (granted, some of them are old as fuck and only funny because language changed and words changed meaning, for example this anthrax place originally meant Coal Colony).
There’s also Heaven
That village propably saved so many flirt attempts.
dirt_owl’s long lost home
this immediately made me think about anthracite
Yes, anthrax and anthracite comes from the same Greek word meaning black coal. In Polish this ethymology is mimicked - coal is węgiel in Polish, with diminutive singular węgielek, but it used to be wąglik. That last form fell out of use in time and was used again for the anthrax.
In Denmark there is a town whose name can be translated as “dick”. The next town over is named “intestine”. If you drive south you can cross the border to Germany in a village named “semen”. Don’t go north though or you might end up in the joyful village literally named “darkness”, you will have a better time in “beer place”.
And for some reason English-speakers seems to think the town of Middelfart has a funny name.
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You haven’t experienced memorable place names until you’ve visited Newfoundland & Labrador. Come By Chance, Witless Bay, Dildo, Ferryland, Blow Me Down, Joe Batt’s Arm, Leading Tickles, Placentia, Cupids, Happy Adventure, lots of fun names.