Hello Keir, can we borrow Northern Ireland for a bit? Very quick. Should only take a few days
Hey, you know that those we stole, we’re going to let you borrow them!
Actual insanity. This is the precursor model to LLMs.
Large language models?
Huh. That’s an interesting one. I suppose you condemn online “piracy” then?
Not necessarily, I guess. If piracy is done by capital it becomes something else, I think the comparison to colonialism isn’t far fetched. The British crown employed pirates to further their goals. The primitive accumulation Marx is describing points in this direction as well. Accumulating property by whatever means, legalising it and using it as capital is just what OpenAI is doing. Yet, I wouldn’t condemn anyone sailing the high seas for their personal use.
It’s not like Britain can take them back if Greece decide to keep them!
I’m guessing that’s what sir Keir is counting on. He’s giving them back without saying the actual giving them back part out loud.
Bunch of thieves the lot of them.
Paywall? https://archive.is/dexqQ
Greece should loan them permanently, just like Britain does
As a British person, I really hope that that is what they do