Honestly… everybody should try out neovim for at least a week. I mean like… fully commit to it.
It’s just amazing how fast and light on resource usage it is, compared to vscode.
For reference: I just opened qmk_firmware which has a shit load of clang code and files. Guess what, neovim doesn’t even break a sweat, while vscode almost burns my CPU.
Neovim is genuinely great, but I miss full integrated multicursor support, none of the multicursor libraries quite work seamlessly, I also miss the easily made javascript extensions every time I dive into lua
On the other hand dropping mouse usage entirely is a good little boost to productivity
For me using the nvim extension inside vscode was the sweet spot
I find Lua much more pleasant to code in than JavaScript.
Isn’t this multicursor plugin one of the best, compared to, for exampme, VSCode?
gives a live preview too.has been around before neovim
This is the way. Best of both worlds
How does the nvim-extension compare to vscodevim?
Multi cursor stuff is cool. Maybe not a one to one replacement, but I tend to use global commands to do basically the same thing.