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Writing this down like a spy writing down rocket secrets. We can’t afford to be without this technology
I’m not how versatile this new emoticon swearing technology is.
Sure, we can say W⚓️, 🔔🔚 or ⚽️👜, but that might be its limits.
I’d be very happy to be proven wrong, please respond with additional swears.
I understand wanker and bellend, but football purse?
Say what you see. Ballbag.
I considered adding a /jk, but thought it would spoil the joke. guess I was wrong. 🫤
I’m sorry, I assumed you were American.
Ball purse also works.
Little bit of casual misogyny for flavor, right? Like his balls are in someone’s purse. Or his sack is a purse, like some kind of effeminate WOMAN.