fellas what words are you carving into the shells of your bullets??
actual lol stop making him sound cooler and cooler by the minute!!
fellas what words are you carving into the shells of your bullets??
actual lol stop making him sound cooler and cooler by the minute!!
After all, eventually CEOs will just hire tons of goons and private security. So as cool as this was it’s not sustainable and violence is only effective coupled to a movement. I’m thinking of my
here - when he discussed violence it was always as part of a larger mass movement, not simply wielded by random adventurers.
Of course this doesn’t mean we can’t seize this moment and this shock to begin to organize and deploy real power. I need to reread all of Lenin on the adventurism, but does he ever talk about being opportunistic about this stuff?
I think Lenin and the gang did more bank robbing and stealing weapons than assassinating people pre-revolution.
The general Marxist (there wasn’t a “Marxist-Leninism” when Lenin was alive) sentiment at the time was that acts of “terror” (what we’re calling adventurism) are fundamentally individualist acts, and aren’t really worth pursuing unless they are both extremely popular, and exist as adjuncts of a broader mass-movement.