So god wants everyone to come to know him, but you need a graduate degree and six different levels of context to understand the second book in his collection of books? (i’m referring to Exodus, I know Job isn’t the second book).
And this god is all-powerful
Also, how come it takes so much context to understand Job, but people’s interpretations regarding homosexuality require none?
These are 5000 years old stories written down 3000 years ago, some study, of course study of context is necessary.
I agree with your point on homosexuality, it also requires study, that’s a reason today’s Christianity is so sick and away from the message of love from the Bible.
These are 5000 years old stories written down 3000 years ago
You really aren’t doing much to help your case. With this context, can you provide a single piece of evidence to prove that any god exists? Doesn’t even need to be your god (though, that would obviously be the next step)… Any higher power or supernatural anything whatsoever.
After all, as the one making the extraordinary claim, you are the one who must provide the extraordinary evidence. The onus is on you. And “faith” does not fit into my worldview.
So god wants everyone to come to know him, but you need a graduate degree and six different levels of context to understand the second book in his collection of books? (i’m referring to Exodus, I know Job isn’t the second book).
And this god is all-powerful
Also, how come it takes so much context to understand Job, but people’s interpretations regarding homosexuality require none?
These are 5000 years old stories written down 3000 years ago, some study, of course study of context is necessary.
I agree with your point on homosexuality, it also requires study, that’s a reason today’s Christianity is so sick and away from the message of love from the Bible.
You really aren’t doing much to help your case. With this context, can you provide a single piece of evidence to prove that any god exists? Doesn’t even need to be your god (though, that would obviously be the next step)… Any higher power or supernatural anything whatsoever.
After all, as the one making the extraordinary claim, you are the one who must provide the extraordinary evidence. The onus is on you. And “faith” does not fit into my worldview.