I’m getting fed up with this so I figured now’s a good time to ask how others deal with it.

It seems every piece of prime equipment I have any parts for is either something I’ve already completed and have leftovers or it’s vaulted. This all makes hunting down things that I haven’t wrung the MR from yet all the more vexing. How do you go about determining what to do to acquire new to you when that’s mostly prime shite or brokenly bad grinds?

  • MarauderIIC@dormi.zone
    4 months ago

    I sell the extras for plat on the website warframe.market and buy the things I don’t have on Warframe.market. Then I sell faction stuff on warframe.market and buy things on warframe.market. Then I grind relics and sell the extras on warframe.market and if I fail the rare parts I buy it on warframe.market.

    So, lots of selling stuff I have and buying stuff I don’t… On warframe.market because trade chat is a rip off.

    And honestly I spend some cash too, whenever I have 75% off, but I don’t think that it is strictly necessary.

  • Dystopia@dormi.zone
    4 months ago

    There is the prime resurgence event too, where they cycle through all the vaulted primes over allnof the primes over like 3 weeks. It can burn through a lot of Aya in a short time if you’re missing a lot of items from multiple relics.

    Looks like prime resurgence was just announced, it’s 12 warframes this time, but that’s probably better than having players burn themselves out trying to get everything all at once. Sell the junk you get from unlucky runs to pick up the parts you need for anything not available this event.
