How 'bout just ‘Tram’ for the on ground on and ‘Air Tram’ for the suspended ones? This making Motor Tram the non-cable variant.
How 'bout just ‘Tram’ for the on ground on and ‘Air Tram’ for the suspended ones? This making Motor Tram the non-cable variant.
Current generations despise our society. It’s just a matter of despising it enough to want our leader’s heads on pikes.
Middle of the road public transit in the European context is likely better than the best available in the American context, which would be from NYC. Then there’s the matter of sub-urban sprawl in the USA; it’s illegal to make walkable, reasonable to live in, places in this dystopian pit. The few that still exist are dramatically better places to live than just about anywhere else in the country but our corporate masters simply do not care.
Guass is my preferred speed frame. He has worse turning that Volt but runs faster. I find it’s more usable to have his forward sprint that Volt’s caffeine-OD movement. He also has even more benefits to constant motion than most frames which encourages the whole fast on your feet playstyle.
I have a Gauss frame for the Index that effectively can’t be hit by most attacks and parkors slower than it runs.
Sounds like a good incentive to make small EMPs or malware to screw with them.
Nice! I heard a solution to creeper holes a while ago: fill them in with water, it only takes 2 inventory spots to always be able to do so, and turn them into nice little ponds dotting the countryside.
Honestly, I like the industrial look of large exposed redstone builds. Especially if there’s been some terraforming of the region to appear more industrial.
Like a lot of our problems: They were obviously a problem when they were new and continued to be obviously a problem up until they’d propagandized generations that grew up with them being a reality. It’s not so much a matter of the people of the past being dim-witted enough to go in for these bad ideas but rather the robber barons who’re interested in them spending a lot of time to normalize them in order to get much richer off of them at all our continued expense.
Honestly, I’ve never really liked the expeditions to begin with. I’m only doing it because something’s broken on my main save preventing me from getting a bioship and the end reward from this one is a bioship.
The whole ‘start again without any of the stuff you’ve spent days/weeks/months/years procuring’ has never been appealing to me on it’s own but Hello Games tends to be good at coming up with extrinsic rewards for putting up with it.
Alright, that makes two moons where I’ve tried and failed to find all the animals. I’ve got some nanites so I guess I’ll just go to the anomaly and get what I can afford.
That’s what he does, he buys good ideas to steal credit and runs some of them into the ground.
And for some of the popular emotional support tanks not street legal to begin with.
Well, if it’s that or what’s increasingly the new Third Reich the PRC would be a grand improvement.
tRump will probably instruct her to do that because the world’s worst apocalyptic death cult is itself a useful weapon for the few ideologies that are worse than itself.
You know, that applies when we had either or both of 1) an executive branch that gave a damn about the rule of law, 2) a legislative branch that would hold the executive accountable if they did not. We have neither now. It’s the 30s again and the rich and powerful just did their ‘break glass in case of dropping profit’ option again. Except this time we don’t have either of the major players we did last time to put it down.
N^N where N is whatever number you’re thinking of.
Honestly, at this point the entire American auto-market is dependent on the lack of competition. Things that are considered cars for regulatory purposes are hardly even made in this pit of a country.
Don’t mind a late reply, especially with such detailed and helpful advice. Thank you!
Honestly, I should see if I can get something going; Musk is far from being the only autistic and his hoard of defenders would just be making us all look bad if anyone fucking believed them.
Oof. Glad I didn’t try with Lettie now. I think I’ve locked myself out of future convos with Quincy, wasn’t romancing him, just talking, because I eventually got weirded out by his persistent transactional approach to everything and the inclination that he was intentionally trying to get me into ‘favor debt’. Just not interested.