• Psythik@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Never understood why people struggle with the bagging area thing. You’re doing something wrong. Here’s a hint: Every item in the store is weighed, and the bagging area has a scale on it that measures that weight. If you accidentally put more or less weight into the bagging area, it’ll complain.

    Scan, immediately bag within 3 seconds, and don’t let anything touch the bagging area, not even your hands. Utilize the “skip bagging” button for items that take more than 3 seconds to bag (but don’t hit "skip bagging more than 3/4 times or it’ll complain). Immediately remove any excess weight (such as your arm or a bag) after bagging. I promise you’ll almost never have another an issue again.

    • esc27@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Sometimes they are just broken. Bad scales, sensors, etc. Kroger’s converyor style checkouts are especially bad.

    • collapse_already@lemmy.ml
      4 months ago

      I know how to bag groceries, you fucking condescending asshole. The Walmart and Home Depot self check work every time for me. Kroger has defective ones. Maybe their scales suck. Maybe they need different values for their timers. I am not going to debug it for them unless they pay my software consulting fees which seems highly unlikely because they’ve broken for more than five years.

    • JasonDJ@lemmy.zip
      4 months ago

      Dude sometimes those scales are stupid sensitive and even straight up busted.

      My grocery store keeps empty paper bags in a pile on the scale so they are part of the tare weight. Doesn’t matter. I’ve taken a bag off the pile, opened it, and placed it back on the scale…and needed to get an employee to re-tare it so I could start scanning. This was before even scanning.

      My grocery store also has cameras on top, too, watching you from above. At each register. And if they think that you put something in the bag without scanning it, it’ll call over an attendant. To review the tape with you, like getting the refs to review a play.

      Plus having kids that can’t stand still. Bound to touch the scale at some point. And they love to do self checkout.

      BJs has it right…they are a wholesale club like Costco. I think they are regional. They have scales but I don’t think they even use them. In fact, I don’t even have to unload my cart. I try to load my cart so barcodes are all facing up (as much as I can) so I just rapid fire zap-zap-zap. It’s very satisfying.