GhostArchive has his account page -
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Predictably avoiding mentioning the severe reactionary cultural throughline of the manifesto.
Actually avoiding mentioning any politics at all, impressive. Perhaps this shooter is actually a liberal after all.
If ye read into it, you can find such strains and I hate their writing. However, I applaud both their praxis…
we’ve forgotten the law of the jungle
Yep, there goes that right-libertarian ideology that justifies American settler-colonialism (Luigi and Ted are brainwormed in that way)
That being said, the rest of it seems fine!
And where did that bring you?
Back to me.
I don’t know why people are calling this guy a right-winger, to me he seems to be brainwormed but having correct ideas as he reads through this stuff. Figuring out that corporations are screwing us and that peaceful protest doesn’t work is exactly what leftists have been saying for years.