First they came for Pickles, and I did not speak up for I am not a back alley Romeo.
my man pickles loved to bust.
free reproductive health care sign me up please
I’m literally getting snipped in a few hours lmao
It is done. Stings a bit but they gave me a pocket knife. 9/10
Pickles got the big snip and now he’s not having any more kids
It would be immensely hilarious to convince the terminally online incel/manosphere/anti-woke outrage tourists spay and neuter efforts are a Marxist plot to destroy traditional gender roles and emasculate men.
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Don’t make me struggle session about how TNR is a bandaid on a fresh gunshot wound that is the existence of outdoor cats
Penis? More like PenISN’T
At least he still has his cute toe beanis
Let him nut.
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outdoor cat struggle session redux when?
they’re reducing the population of