The corrupt CEO of Longdue Games and HyperionDev RIAZ MOOLA, has been using his wealth and the courts to screw over Disco Elysium writer Argo Tuulik and prevent him from making new projects with his studio. Argo was forced to create a GoFundMe to help him pay rent as well as fight the court cases wherein Moola has been blatantly lying under oath.
This morning, Moola used his power to shut down the GoFundMe, which at that point had only been able to reach 20 percent of its goal. He is trying everything in his power to suppress this story and hide his disgusting business practices of bullying people into submission while using their names to increase his own profit.
We can’t let Riaz Moola continue to get away with this. Please do anything you can to spread awareness on this because time is running out for Argo Tuulik. Thank you!!
Yes, most critically he later admitted in an article(after being laid off) that he was personally witness to Helen Hindpere receiving verbal abuse on a company call that was so loud that he could hear it from her headphones.
Helen mentions this in the documentary, Tuulik did not, and while he was not the primary figure questioning Hindperes work and leadership, he took a centrist stance between owners and the fired creatives.
Obviously not that any of this makes him deserve being subjected to the crap thats going on, though I do think it makes the goofy radical shit from his studio take on kind of a hollow tone.
If you’re gonna be the gamer maoist studio dropping manifestos with “creatives hold up half the sky” type slogans, I think a gamer self crit is warranted too.