- Games completed: 32
- Games started and shelved: 57
- Games in progress: 3
Time to post my own L’s and go through every game I have completed this year and what I thought of them. Anyone with enough loser energy as me to track games played let me know what you’ve completed this year as well.
Lets start with the games I’ve completed:
Still probably my favourite puzzle platformer. A dark moody and violent trek through what I assume is some form of purgatory that leaves a lot up to interpretation. The puzzles themselves are mostly straightforward which is nice as it doesn’t harm the pacing of the game but the highlight is the audio and visual design which is perfect.
Call of Duty 3
A game I struggled to remember even a single aspect of from when it came out other than the exciting intro of jumping over the wall and the generous use of god rays I came back to see what else the game had to offer. And well its fucking garbage, probably the most boring fps i’ve ever made myself play it felt like a form of self punishment forcing myself to complete this title. The god rays do look nice though.
Evil West
A clunky imperfect banger of a title where my only complaint is the boss fights were a bit shit and really should have leant into the potential for a souls style boss fight. Definitely worth giving a go but it has a slow start because most of your arsenal is locked into upgrades leaving the early game feeling a bit stale combat wise.
Persona 1
I have a hard time liking Persona games usually because they’re a bit too long and the combat is just dull find the weakness rinse repeat and it doesn’t help that Persona 4 was my first title which pissed me off for other reasons. But Persona 1 honestly shares little with the rest of the series and found myself enjoying it a lot with a stellar final boss fight that had me actually bothering to go back and create a good lineup of personas to tackle it forcing me to think up a strategy. Its a bit of a shame the rest of the game kinda runs on autopilot by comparison but its a simple fun story with cool characters, a banger soundtrack and a cool partner manga to boot. Definitely would recommend giving the PSP version a play.
Harold Halibut
A genuinely heart warming and creative game that suffers from being a little bit too long. One thing the game could have done with was some fun and creative puzzles which early in the game feel like they’re alluded to with unscrewing the panels from the wall and moving crates into Harolds room (well not really puzzles but something interactive) but sadly after those its mostly just running back and forth talking to people. A shorter game with more unique interactive sections that depict Harolds mind as he completes tasks could have made for a better game.
Spec Ops: The Line
Fancied playing it again, nothing that can be said that hasn’t already been said
Arma 2
Campaign is buggy dookie but I wanted to play after finally getting a PC that can run it reasonably. It wasn’t worth the decade wait every mission is supremely dull. Kid me was right the map editor is the better content.
Armored Core 2 Another Age
Finished this off after burning my out of AC games last year its just a mission pack for playing around with your AC2 mech a bit more. A safe skip for anyone interested in playing the series.
Persona 2 Innocent Sin
I guess this is where the persona creators decided games must be too long because its too long. Its a good game but this one suffers from the entire game being on autopilot and the PSP version has the slowest clunkiest UI making it quite frustrating to play. Good narrative marred by tedious gameplay I just didn’t like it as much as the first game.
Lost Planet 2
The most wacky coop game ever made with some absolutely fantastic missions for the first half of the game then it falls off hard and gets really tedious in the latter half. Also it has a severe lack of big monsters to fight for a game about big monsters. I still much prefer the first game which for me i’ve replayed several times. This one its pretty necessary to play in coop to get the full experience out of it.
Binary Domain
It’s a perfect 10/10 third person shooter from the Yakuza creators that I slept on so hard. Its genuinely really fun and a must play.
Dark Sector
Big ol poopoo big stinky stinker stinky fart bum. I don’t like this game at all its only interesting to see the history of digital extremes and warframe. The entire game is really frustrating for no good reason and made me want to eat my controller at times.
Hellblade 2
An interesting and pretty game but after finishing it left me feeling kind of hollow and I can’t explain why. The original by the time I reached the end I felt empowered like I had experience Senua’s strife along with here but I just didn’t get that same connection from the sequel. Its visually astounding however.
Still Wakes the Deep
Best walking sim ever made. The enemy sections kind of felt a bit cheap and forced with the yellow paint “you can hide here” areas that are plastered all over the room of the encounter ruining any potential suprise later when the enemy does appear cos ofc its a monster hide room with monster hide locations. Otherwise a brilliant narrative thats gorgeous to look at with some fantastic voice acting to boot that left me quite emotional at the end. Definitely recommend playing unless you’re a snob about having gameplay in your games then you suck.
Metal Gear Solid 2
I used to pay MGS games for the gameplay and skip the cutscenes and now I seem to have a preference for the opposite where I like the narrative and find the gameplay tedious. Enjoyable and gorgeous PS2 title where i might have to lobotomise myself if I ever intend to disarm the bombs for the 50th time its just not fun on my like 8th playthrough.
Elden Ring DLC
Does this count as a game completion? It was quite big. It kind of felt like something was missing from the DLC but I don’t really know what. Also farming skibbidy tree fragments wasn’t that enjoyable tbh even though I did understand why it was there the act of finding them wasn’t fun and had me zig zagging across open terrain trying to cover all ground only to discover the fragment is held by a random hippo I was trying to avoid and didn’t look like a boss. Also the furnace golems were just plain bad. I don’t think i could stomach another open world souls game after elden ring and probably wont be revisiting the game for a long time.
Turok 2008
Oh what a stinker… but its my stinker. Odd nostalgia for this shitty game that upon replaying is even worse than I remember but what can I say I like shitty games sometimes.
Lords of the Fallen 2023
An overlooked game probably for good reason as its clunky and suffers from some weird balance and design choices that can make the game really frustrating at times. It also lacks enemy variety and towards the end of the game decides throwing bosses as normal enemies at you is a good idea. I equal parts enjoyed and hated this game but the art direction kept me going as its genuinely beautiful.
Amnesia the dark descent
Timeless well crafted ambient occlusion rich delight. The fear aspect of this game is long gone but its still enjoyable to play and listen to the top tier voice acting and story as well as enjoying its visuals which have aged very well.
Amnesia a machine for pigs
I don’t dislike this game for being a walking sim I dislike this game for giving poor direction on how to progress leaving me ambling around in circles sometimes. I know its popular to hate on this game but it just didn’t click for me as much as I wanted to like it.
Penumbra Overture
Penumbra was the game i played as a kid cos my laptop wouldn’t run amnesia and honestly its still pretty much as perfect as it was back when I first played. The atmosphere and visuals will never look old to me and the ideas behind the gameplay still feel innovative. I kind of wish for more physics based first person interacty style games like this again.
Dark Souls
Its dark souls I wanted to replay it. Oddly this time I noticed I like the game less and less on every replay
Demon’s Souls PS3
I just fancied playing Demon’s Souls on real hardware. My PS3 didn’t sound like it was enjoying it though. I can replay this game over and over and never get bored.
Time Crisis 2
Played and completed on a real arcade machine. I miss lightgun shooters so much. Very good game and a lot less frustrating than the first game
Chasing Static
A short and cool narrative adventure game set in my favourite country of BRITLAND with a lot of SCP influence. Can’t say much other than the story was very clever and memorable with some good atmosphere and visuals.
Game of the year…
Silent Hill 2 Remake
I hate that its good I hate bloober team for making me like something they made but its genuinely very well made. Mmmm yummy volumetric fog.
Black Ops 6
You can’t shoot Bill Clinton 0/10… Yes i’m cringe
The Devil in Me
Absolute worst game I’ve ever played from Supermassive. Buggy stilted weird mess that I’m surprised ever got shipped. Absolutely nothing going for it not worth even considering play House of Ashes instead.
Stalker ShoC PS5 port
My favourite stalker game where I will ignore all its faults because I have strong memories of it and have played it through several times. The PS5 ports of the stalker games are quite good as they clean up a lot of the rough edges that the PC releases still need mods to fix. If you’re looking for the definitive vanilla experience and don’t mind using a controller I think its worth getting.
Stalker Clear Sky
PS5 version of this game is nice because it now works as intended which let me experience it properly. Clear sky used to be my most disliked game in the series but now I think its actually quite good. The main story is a bit short and honestly not really worth doing more than once to know the story. The real meat of the game lies within the faction war system which if you’re playing for the story I recommend not engaging with the first time through as it can just get in the way. On the second play its quite an enjoyable system to mess around with for some replay value.
Stalker Call of Pripyat
Used to hate this game because it ran like absolute poo on my laptop and never really got better on even modern PC’s due to its terrible hitching. The PS5 version largely cleans this up and makes for quite an enjoyable game. Its a shame the final area of the game feels a bit rushed as it seems to be quite intricate but isn’t really used much bar a few story missions. The longest part of the game is the most boring areas unfortunately which contain a collection of equidistant landmarks separated by wasteland that hold no real value to the player unless its for artifact farming or you have the side mission that takes you there to do a thing. This game felt more like the modern open world games where its more like a theme park rather than a desolate dangerous wasteland of the zone. Mechanically however its the best balanced and least frustrating of all the titles.
What accounts for a lot of playtime but doesn’t register as a completed game is the MMOs i was playing mostly in meetings
WoW WOTLK Azeroth Core
I spun up my own private server to play with my bf using a few plugins to make the game scale somewhat with two players and it was probably the most fun I’ve had in an mmo. Being able to play at my own pace and do what I want when i want without some pain in the ass guild or having to contend with the worlds most toxic gamers ever created is actually nice. The plugin I use for dungeon scaling isn’t perfect and has some jank effects but I can change the scaling in realtime when I’m in the dungeon using commands to tailor as we play. It was fun roleplaying running around and doing stuffs.
Aion classic
Its old aion and it stinks but i have fond memories of old aion and its weird cryengine visuals
Probably has the nicest community in am mmo amd ended up joining a guild with casual players who were nice… And as a result i quit the game because i do be like that. Its a good mmo with a lot of things that make it accessible to new players with ai dungeon parties and quests that teach you your player profession with a fun story to go along with it. Can be a bit overwhelming though with just how much content there is and tbh the early game story could do with some voice acting.
Its ok. I got it to play the morrowind campaign but its mostly just fanservice to go gawk at familiar areas
And thats it folks. Hope you didn’t enjoy reading HA! Lemme know what you completed this year. My currently in progress games are Forza Horizon 4, Death Stranding (so long) and Armored core 3
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The game - masterpiece. With Tamriel Rebuilt? Masterpiece². It got me hooked on Elder Scrolls as a universe and I was actually able to finish it this year - the only game similar to it I can think of is Deus Ex, which is also an absurdly high bar to clear. The sequels are good, but not as good as this was - they’re 500x buggier… and more modded too.
What is it with unfinished games and being masterpieces? Xenogears was on the course to becoming that, but at the end it was a bit too undercooked unfortunately. The further you get into the game, the more it blends into a series of […] sequences. On the other hand, had the developers vision be completed, it would probably be absurdly long. Still worth playing, and you will be impressed and disappointed.
Cyberpunk 2077
The game that had a horrible reputation at launch? Yes, it’s fixed now. It’s a very solid game too. Johnny Silverhand is one of the most interesting characters I have encountered in video games. Overall, a good time.
Baldur’s Gate 3
I started it recently after everyone raving about it for months. It’s good. Properly old school, and does everything right - not a masterpiece yet, but highly cohesive quality.
Super Robot Wars W
I started it recently after beating V after 3 years. (no they do not share a common plot, and are 10 years apart) Good as usual so far, even if held back by DS graphics. The series is a must play for mecha anime enjoyers.
I played morrowind for the first time in 2021 and fell in love with that game so hard. It was surprising for me because i fell off oblivion and skyrim very quickly but morrowind genuinely has a magic to it.