I’m always looking for ways to reduce my plastic waste, and manufacturer’s always seem to be trying to find ways to trick me.

I normally get the Lidl dishwasher tablets as they are the only brand that appears to come plastic free, cardboard box, and tablets wrapped in a dissolvable cellulose film. However sometimes I can’t get there as its not always convenient.

Latest was CoOp that sold a cardboard box of tablets, but then each tablet was bloody wrapped in plastic, which is probably worse than just a plastic bag of the bastards.

Does anyone else know of brands that are safe to buy because they won’t try to trick you with hidden plastics?

  • shalafi@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Not soluble?! I fear something is wrong with your machine, water not hot enough or something. I’ve never heard of someone having to dig the plastic wrapper out. Hell, that would make a mess melting on the heating coil.