The Chemistry Understanders have made a chart!

You know what is certainly pretty dangerous and comes with health risks? Fucking mining! So even if these crunchy fascists were right about the chemistry part, it shows they’re totally fine if someone else suffers long term health reprocussions

  • huf [he/him]
    3 months ago

    is asbestos illegal though? i know you cant put it in buildings as insulation anymore, but is there a law against buying and eating some?

    • godlessworm [comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      yeah bro the government banned it because if you snort asbestos it opens up your third, fourth, and fifth eye and you can see through all the government lies they don’t want you seeing through. like about how war is bad and all that junk you know? if the government catches you snorting abs (that’s what we call it in the community) you get the death penalty. i just snorted some a few minutes ago, and i’m pretty sure the government is stalking me. they send “people” “walking their dogs” “looking normal” down my street a couple times a day to intimidate me. the funniest part is, these people walk into houses that are right down the street from me, so it’s obvious the government put them there because i was getting too informed from snorting abs.