The church would be standing room only. And mum would be all annoyed and go “tfft, why don’t they come the rest of the year”. And baby me would think “fucking fake Catholics”.
Also remembering the time my 9 year old brother got drunk on eggnog and shout-whispered “WOW I’M SO DRUNK” to me in church.
My mum is still judging you if you don’t go to church, btw.
Do they not have like sermons or something? Or like what if the priest is feeling inspired does she not give explanatory speeches or w/e before songs?
There is a sermon, but no energy to it like a lot of the protestant denominations. In two years of Catholic school doing mass three times per week I don’t recall there ever being a single quote someone shared after or question I had to consider. Nothing ever touched on liberation theology themes, politics, or history to the point that I listened and thought “neat”. That’s only a sample size of two churches though.
Thanks for sharing about your experience. What a deadening waste of time!