we don’t even live in Britain
I am boycotting because fuck the monarchy, my dad is mad at me, what the hell
Like jesus I knew they were libs but cmon, the king???
we don’t even live in Britain
I am boycotting because fuck the monarchy, my dad is mad at me, what the hell
Like jesus I knew they were libs but cmon, the king???
My parents are the mythical liberals who like Biden, Harris, Bush, and Obama. They are the mythical base that the Democrats love to pander to. My dad said that “Brian Thompson had a family” and he also read Liz Cheney’s book. I love my parents very dearly but respectfully they are the upper middle class liberals who like the cops but also Black Lives Matter. People who read anti-racism books but have never been at a protest in their life.
who gives a shit? so did Dennis Rader
This reminds me that his daughter replied to a tweet asking for three words she’d tell her younger self with “dad is btk”
My mom is in this post and I don’t like it.
I really, really, really haaaaaate, hate, hateeeeeeee the white side of my family. I’m mixed Filipino-American, so the other half of my family knows how fucking awful colonialism is and why we should despise European monarchy. But then I have these cracker fucking libs on the other side who swoon over the British royal family. Or who constantly go to bat for white supremacy as long as it’s the polite kind.
I’m sorry both of your parents are Nancy Pelosi.
I feel your pain man, I’m in a similar situation haha. Shit sucks